Stanford CS 395
Independent Database Project
Course Description
Raw: For graduate students in Computer Science. Use of database management or file systems for a s
Stemmed: graduat student comput scienc databas manag file system substanti applic implement compon databas ma
Inferred Topics
(0.32879) comput, topic, scienc, credit, vari, section, current, repeat, interest, area
(0.878) LSU CSC 7700 Special Topics in Computer Science
(0.878) LSU CSC 2700 Special Topics in Computer Science
(0.866) GMU CS 695 Topics in Computer Science
(0.834) LSU CSC 4700 Special Topics in Computer Science
(0.821) Stanford CS 194 Software Project (WIM)
(0.812) AU CSC 396 Selected Topics: Non-Recurring
(0.812) AU CSC 596 Selected Topics: Non-Recurring
(0.812) AU CSC 696 Selected Topics: Non-Recurring
(0.812) AU CSC 296 Selected Topics: Non-Recurring
(0.770) LSU CSC 3999 Independent Undergraduate Research
(0.761) SC CSCE 590 Topics in Information Technology
(0.715) GMU CS 498 Independent Study in Computer Science
(0.690) Stanford CS 191 Writing Intensive Senior Project (WIM)
(0.677) KSU CIS 190 Undergraduate Seminar in Computing and Information Sciences
(0.674) LSU CSC 4999 Advanced Independent Undergraduate Research
(0.646) LSU CSC 7800 Computer Science Research Seminar
(0.627) GMU CS 895 Research Topics in CS
(0.619) AU CSC 589 Topics in Computer Science
(0.598) Stanford CS 181 Computers, Ethics, and Public Policy (WIM)
(0.566) Stanford CS 499 Advanced Reading and Research
(0.527) GMU CS 880 Research Topics in Artificial Intelligence
(0.492) AU CSC 689 Topics in Computer Science
(0.472) GMU CS 795 Advanced Topics in CS
(0.436) Utah CS 7250 Advanced Topics in Scientific Computing
(0.428) SC CSCE 498 Independent Study
(0.418) Stanford CS 294 Writing Intensive Research Project in Computer Science
(0.418) SC CSCE 209 Special Topics in Computer Programming
(0.375) GMU CS 818 Topics in Computer Systems
(0.353) Stanford CS 199 Independent Work
(0.329) Stanford CS 395 Independent Database Project
(0.316) LSU CSC 3991 HONORS: Undergraduate Research in Computer Science
(0.309) Utah CS 7240 Sinc Methods
(0.306) Stanford CS 192 Programming Service Project
(0.287) AU CSC 493 Computer Science Capstone Project
(0.274) PDX CS 510 Top: Advanced Topics Software Engineering
(0.259) Stanford CS 393 Computer Laboratory
(0.256) GMU CS 123 Computing: From the Abacus to the Web
(0.253) Stanford CS 191 Senior Project
(0.244) ACM EC 0 The Digital Age
(0.241) RPI CSCI 6900 Computer Science Seminar
(0.239) Utah CS 5040 Teaching Introductory Computer Science
(0.228) Stanford CS 294 Research Project in Software Systems and Security
(0.219) KSU CIS 690 Implementation Project
(0.210) UTK COSC 493 Independent Study
(0.171) GMU CS 444 Introduction to Computational Biology
(0.164) AU CSC 350 Introduction to Discrete Structures
(0.153) Utah CS 3011 Industry Forum
(0.153) Stanford CS 109 Introduction to Probability for Computer Scientists
(0.151) UTK COSC 483 Applied Cryptography
(0.246443) databas, data, system, manag, queri, relat, model, design, process, optim
(0.869) PDX CS 410 Top: Database Internals
(0.819) PDX CS 587 Relational Database Management Systems
(0.718) PDX CS 486 Introduction to Database Management Systems
(0.677) Stanford CS 347 Parallel and Distributed Data Management
(0.669) GMU CS 650 Advanced Database Management
(0.656) LSU CSC 4402 Introduction to Database Management Systems
(0.619) GMU AIT 524 Database Management Essentials
(0.617) PDX CS 586 Introduction to Database Management Systems
(0.615) KSU CIS 560 Database System Concepts
(0.592) GMU CS 450 Database Concepts
(0.577) SC CSCE 520 Database System Design
(0.568) AU CSC 570 Database Management Systems
(0.559) GMU CS 550 Database Systems
(0.545) GMU CS 504 Principles of Data Management and Mining
(0.510) KSU CIS 562 Enterprise Information Systems
(0.490) LSU CSC 7402 Data Base Management Systems
(0.485) RPI CSCI 4380 Database Systems
(0.473) PDX CS 588 Distributed Database Systems
(0.403) KSU CIS 761 Data Base Management Systems
(0.388) Utah CS 6530 Database Systems
(0.385) KSU CIS 764 Database Design
(0.379) KSU CIS 103 Introduction to Database Applications
(0.323) UTK COSC 465 Databases and Scripting Languages
(0.314) PDX CS 510 Top: Foundations of Database Systems
(0.303) LSU CSC 2730 Data Science and Analytics
(0.266) GMU AIT 671 Information System Infrastructure Lifecycle Management
(0.264) AU CSC 636 Advanced Database Management Systems
(0.246) Stanford CS 395 Independent Database Project
(0.242) Utah CS 5530 Database Systems
(0.234) SC CSCE 522 Information Security Principles
(0.233) AU CSC 637 Database Administration
(0.197) SC CSCE 304 Applied Problem Solving and Programming
(0.196) LSU CSC 7481 Information Retrieval Systems
(0.196) LSU CSC 7701 Sensor Networking Concepts
(0.182) ACM KA 0 Information Management (IM)
(0.165928) system, softwar, design, hardwar, architectur, program, time, applic, embed, devic
(0.946) Utah CS 6785 Advanced Embedded Software
(0.945) Utah CS 5785 Advanced Embedded Software
(0.846) SC CSCE 313 Embedded Systems
(0.728) Utah CS 5780 Embedded System Design
(0.635) Utah CS 6780 Embedded System Design
(0.582) GMU CS 773 Real-Time Systems Design and Development
(0.575) KSU CIS 625 Concurrent Software Systems
(0.551) KSU CIS 750 Advanced Computer Architecture Experiments
(0.528) KSU CIS 622 Real-Time Operating Systems
(0.489) UTK COSC 100 Introduction to Computers and Computing
(0.466) LSU CSC 2463 Programming Digital Media
(0.444) PDX CS 597 Sensor Networks
(0.429) Utah CS 6360 Virtual Reality
(0.414) KSU CIS 721 Real-Time Systems
(0.402) PDX CS 497 Sensor Networks
(0.345) ACM KA 0 Architecture and Organization (AR)
(0.340) PDX CS 202 Programming Systems
(0.339) GMU CS 367 Computer Systems and Programming
(0.330) GMU CS 755 Advanced Computer Networks
(0.322) KSU CIS 225 Personal Computer Systems Administration
(0.308) Utah CS 5750 Synthesis and Verification of Asynchronous VLSI Systems
(0.294) RPI CSCI 4480 Robotics I
(0.293) UTK COSC 291 Lower-Division Special Topics
(0.289) KSU CIS 762 Office Automation
(0.289) KSU CIS 726 Advanced World Wide Web Technologies
(0.284) PDX CS 447 Computer Graphics
(0.276) PDX CS 579 Formal Verification of Hardware/Software
(0.267) Utah CS 5460 Operating Systems
(0.262) Utah CS 4540 Web Software Architecture
(0.256) GMU CS 719 Scalable Internet Services
(0.256) PDX CS 547 Computer Graphics
(0.256) GMU CS 475 Concurrent and Distributed Systems
(0.227) SC CSCE 215 UNIX/Linux Fundamentals
(0.219) LSU CSC 4304 Systems Programming
(0.218) SC CSCE 374 Robotic Applications and Design
(0.215) Utah CS 5789 Embedded Systems and Kinetic Art
(0.204) GMU CS 477 Mobile Application Development
(0.199) RPI CSCI 4210 Operating Systems
(0.199) Stanford CS 155 Computer and Network Security (EE 287A)
(0.199) GMU CS 555 Computer Communications and Networking
(0.198) SC CSCE 611 Advanced Digital Design
(0.189) ACM EC 0 Digital Components and Design
(0.173) GMU CS 884 Advanced Topics in Computer Vision and Robotics
(0.166) Stanford CS 395 Independent Database Project
(0.166) KSU CIS 690 Implementation Project
(0.164) PDX CS 105 Computing Fundamentals I
(0.162) Utah CS 6110 Formal Methods for System Design
(0.159) AU CSC 540 Computer System Organization and Programming
(0.157) ACM EC 0 Introduction to Computer Architecture
(0.154) ACM EC 0 Introduction to Systems and Networking
(0.153) PDX CS 572 Operating Systems Internals
(0.153) LSU CSC 7300 Algorithm Design and Analysis
No prerequisites registered.