Stanford CS 210
Introducing Software through Video Stories
Course Description
Raw: In this one-unit lab where coding meets film, software development teams from CS210 are paire
Stemmed: unit lab code meet film softwar develop team pair film student result cross disciplinari group creat
Inferred Topics
(0.248269) student, class, week, modul, assign, hand, lectur, unit, lab, expect
(0.519) RPI CSCI 4680 Advanced Networking Practicum
(0.374) PDX CS 510 Top: Distributed Computing
(0.354) Stanford CS 2 Introduction to Media Production
(0.295) ACM EC 0 Introduction to Computer Science
(0.270) Stanford CS 168 The Modern Algorithmic Toolbox
(0.248) Stanford CS 210 Introducing Software through Video Stories
(0.248) Stanford CS 275 Music Query, Analysis, and Style Simulation (MUSIC 254)
(0.220) Stanford CS 377 Topics in Learning and Technology: d.compress - Designing Calm (EDUC 328A)
(0.219) GMU CS 531 Fundamentals of Systems Programming
(0.213) PDX CS 162 Introduction to Computer Science
(0.210) GMU CS 391 Advanced Programming Lab
(0.197) PDX CS 510 Top: In Software Eng. New Ideas in Testing Theory
(0.194) PDX CS 510 Top: Wireless Networking Concepts
(0.172) Utah CS 4940 Undergraduate Research
(0.168) Utah CS 2050 Making Noise: Sound Art and Digital Media
(0.160) Stanford CS 1 Practical Unix
(0.152) Utah CS 6235 Parallel Programming for Many-Core Architectures
(0.190993) softwar, develop, engin, team, system, knowledg, practic, effect, defin, concern
(0.737) PDX CS 510 Top: Open Source Software Development in the Unix Environment
(0.683) PDX CS 410 Top: Open Source Software Development in the Unix Environment
(0.489) Utah CS 3505 Software Practice II
(0.455) GMU AIT 671 Information System Infrastructure Lifecycle Management
(0.435) LSU CSC 4610 Cloud Systems and Virtualization
(0.428) RPI CSCI 4520 Game Development
(0.342) Utah CS 5020 Software Practice II
(0.320) ACM KA 0 Software Engineering (SE)
(0.242) GMU AIT 711 Rapid Development of Scalable Applications
(0.218) GMU AIT 622 Determining Needs for Complex Big Data Systems
(0.214) GMU CS 490 Design Exhibition
(0.210) ACM KA 0 Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
(0.191) GMU CS 672 Computer System Performance Evaluation
(0.191) Stanford CS 210 Introducing Software through Video Stories
(0.169) Utah CS 4190 Programming Challenges
(0.166) Stanford CS 210 Software Project Experience with Corporate Partners
(0.158) Utah CS 4500 Senior Capstone Project
(0.190917) game, video, player, film, solut, graphic, emphasi, creat, anim, varieti
(0.703) PDX CS 442 Advanced Artificial Intelligence: Combinatorial Games
(0.660) PDX CS 542 Advanced Artificial Intelligence: Combinatorial Games
(0.509) Utah CS 6665 Character Animation
(0.433) Utah CS 6660 Physics-based Animation
(0.403) GMU CS 225 Culture and Theory of Games
(0.365) KSU CIS 580 Fundamentals of Game Programming
(0.351) RPI CSCI 4540 Game Development II
(0.291) KSU CIS 585 Game Engine Design
(0.238) GMU CS 426 Game Programming II
(0.234) GMU CS 325 Introduction to Game Design
(0.230) PDX CS 443 Advanced Artificial Intelligence: Combinatorial Search
(0.198) PDX CS 543 Advanced Artificial Intelligence: Combinatorial Search
(0.197) LSU CSC 4263 Video Game Design
(0.197) PDX CS 313 AI & Game Design
(0.191) Stanford CS 210 Introducing Software through Video Stories
(0.176) SC CSCE 552 Computer Game Development
(0.171) LSU CSC 7601 Design Issues in High-Speed Networks: Multicast, Pricing and Control
(0.165) RPI CSCI 4520 Game Development
(0.162) SC CSCE 207 UNIX System Administration
No prerequisites registered.