Computational Science
Course Description
Raw: Parallel algorithms; scientific visualization; techniques for solving scientific problems.
Stemmed: parallel algorithm scientif visual techniqu solv scientif problem
Inferred Topics
(0.325217) program, problem, data, comput, algorithm, solv, structur, introduct, engin, languag
(0.908) Utah CS 1001 Engineering Computing using MATLAB
(0.899) Utah CS 1000 Engineering Computing
(0.881) SC CSCE 206 Scientific Applications Programming
(0.869) SC CSCE 500 Computer Programming and Applications
(0.864) KSU CIS 209 C Programming for Engineers
(0.821) AU CSC 280 Introduction to Computer Science I
(0.759) Utah CS 2000 Introduction to Program Design in C
(0.750) SC CSCE 204 Program Design and Development
(0.652) SC CSCE 101 Introduction to Computer Concepts
(0.650) GMU CS 112 Introduction to Computer Programming
(0.648) KSU CIS 105 Introduction to Computer Programming
(0.643) SC CSCE 102 General Applications Programming
(0.632) SC CSCE 145 Algorithmic Design I
(0.622) RPI CSCI 1190 Beginning Programming for Engineers
(0.618) LSU CSC 1250 Introduction to Programming
(0.613) LSU CSC 2533 Introduction to Engineering Computation
(0.601) SC CSCE 205 Business Applications Programming
(0.600) UTK COSC 102 Introduction to Computer Science
(0.591) SC CSCE 304 Applied Problem Solving and Programming
(0.588) PDX CS 161 Introduction to Programming and Problem-solving
(0.577) Utah CS 1410 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
(0.576) KSU CIS 200 Programming Fundamentals
(0.552) Stanford CS 103 Mathematical Problem-solving Strategies
(0.547) LSU CSC 1240 Statistics and Graphics with MATLAB
(0.533) Utah CS 4190 Programming Challenges
(0.511) GMU CS 391 Advanced Programming Lab
(0.474) UTK COSC 370 Introduction to Scientific Computing
(0.469) RPI CSCI 1010 Introduction to Computer Programming
(0.458) Stanford CS 106 Programming Methodology (ENGR 70A)
(0.458) KSU CIS 362 Introduction to Business Programming
(0.440) AU CSC 281 Introduction to Computer Science II
(0.438) ACM EC 0 Introduction to Programming
(0.423) PDX CS 106 Computing Fundamentals II
(0.420) KSU CIS 111 Introduction to Computer Programming
(0.383) UTK COSC 140 Data Structures and Algorithms I
(0.382) Utah CS 1030 Foundations of Computer Science
(0.376) Stanford CS 198 Teaching Computer Science
(0.376) Stanford CS 109 Statistical Computing with R Laboratory
(0.356) LSU CSC 1350 Computer Science I for Majors
(0.348) GMU CS 330 Formal Methods and Models
(0.348) RPI CSCI 1100 Computer Science I
(0.337) ACM EC 0 Object-Oriented Programming
(0.332) PDX CS 163 Data Structures
(0.325) SC CSCE 564 Computational Science
(0.324) Utah CS 2420 Introduction to Algorithms & Data Structures
(0.321) LSU CSC 3991 HONORS: Undergraduate Research in Computer Science
(0.320) GMU CS 633 Computational Geometry
(0.318) Stanford CS 101 Introduction to Computing Principles
(0.317) GMU CS 706 Concurrent Software Systems
(0.314) PDX CS 202 Programming Systems
(0.297) LSU CSC 1254 Computer Science II with C++
(0.282) GMU CS 222 Computer Programming for Engineers
(0.278) SC CSCE 491 Capstone Computer System Project
(0.268) SC CSCE 146 Algorithmic Design II
(0.267) LSU CSC 2730 Data Science and Analytics
(0.264) SC CSCE 563 Systems Simulation
(0.264) SC CSCE 567 Visualization Tools
(0.262) Stanford CS 107 Computer Organization and Systems
(0.237) PDX CS 162 Introduction to Computer Science
(0.232) ACM EC 0 Programming Languages and Techniques I
(0.225) ACM EC 0 General Computer Science
(0.222) GMU AIT 521 Software Engineering Essentials
(0.222) PDX CS 510 Top: Security and Programming
(0.221) GMU AIT 675 Overview of the National Intelligence Community
(0.206) LSU CSC 3501 Computer Organization and Design
(0.205) GMU CS 484 Data Mining
(0.202) ACM KA 0 Computational Science (CN)
(0.200) PDX CS 410 Top: Security and Programming
(0.199) GMU CS 530 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
(0.184) Utah CS 4150 Algorithms
(0.183) ACM KA 0 Information Management (IM)
(0.182) Utah CS 3100 Models of Computation
(0.182) Utah CS 3700 Fundamentals of Digital System Design
(0.181) KSU CIS 725 Advanced Computer Networks
(0.181) LSU CSC 1253 Computer Science I with C++
(0.181) SC CSCE 552 Computer Game Development
(0.181) ACM EC 0 Introduction to Program Design
(0.178) AU CSC 460 Tools of Scientific Computing
(0.177) GMU CS 100 Principles of Computing
(0.176) PDX CS 510 Top: Functional Logic Programming
(0.176) ACM EC 0 Algorithms
(0.175) ACM EC 0 The Digital Age
(0.174) SC CSCE 517 Computer Crime and Forensics
(0.174) GMU CS 310 Data Structures
(0.166) PDX CS 441 Artificial Intelligence
(0.164) ACM KA 0 Algorithms and Complexity (AL)
(0.162) GMU CS 211 Object-Oriented Programming
(0.154) LSU CSC 4330 Software Systems Development
(0.154) SC CSCE 210 Computer Hardware Foundations
(0.154) KSU CIS 501 Software Architecture and Design
(0.154) AU CSC 570 Database Management Systems
(0.150) LSU CSC 1351 Computer Science II for Majors
(0.150) SC CSCE 561 Numerical Analysis
(0.320356) parallel, program, comput, algorithm, model, memori, includ, perform, share, messag
(0.945) PDX CS 415 Parallel Programming
(0.839) PDX CS 515 Parallel Programming
(0.792) SC CSCE 569 Parallel Computing
(0.763) RPI CSCI 6360 Parallel Computing
(0.699) ACM EC 0 Parallel Programming Principle and Practice
(0.658) GMU CS 635 Foundations of Parallel Computation
(0.625) LSU CSC 7600 High Performance Computing I
(0.550) UTK COSC 462 Parallel Programming
(0.529) ACM EC 0 Introduction to Parallel Programming
(0.512) Utah CS 7820 Parallel Computer Architecture
(0.495) RPI CSCI 4320 Parallel Programming
(0.391) PDX CS 550 Parallel Algorithms
(0.386) Utah CS 6230 Parallel Computing and High Performance Computing
(0.381) PDX CS 410 Top: Parallel Algorithms
(0.374) KSU CIS 523 Introduction to Concurrent Programming
(0.362) Stanford CS 110 Principles of Computer Systems
(0.328) RPI CSCI 6140 Computer Operating Systems
(0.320) SC CSCE 564 Computational Science
(0.283) ACM KA 0 Parallel and Distributed Computing (PD)
(0.276) Utah CS 4230 Parallel Programming
(0.264) Utah CS 4400 Computer Systems
(0.240) GMU CS 683 Parallel Algorithms
(0.223) RPI CSCI 4020 Computer Algorithms
(0.217) ACM EC 0 Data Abstractions
(0.214) Utah CS 5780 Embedded System Design
(0.198) GMU CS 475 Concurrent and Distributed Systems
(0.197) Utah CS 7310 Robot Mobility and Manipulation
(0.174) ACM EC 0 Functional Programming
(0.173) ACM EC 0 Great Ideas in Computer Architecture
(0.165) KSU CIS 625 Concurrent Software Systems
(0.160) ACM EC 0 Principles of Programming Languages
(0.213814) comput, scienc, mathemat, field, scientif, disciplin, visual, complex, model, data
(0.939) RPI CSCI 6350 Data Science
(0.913) RPI CSCI 4350 Data Science
(0.449) GMU CS 101 Preview of Computer Science
(0.401) KSU CIS 115 Introduction to Computing Science
(0.396) ACM KA 0 Computational Science (CN)
(0.381) Utah CS 1030 Foundations of Computer Science
(0.353) Utah CS 3200 Introduction to Scientific Computing
(0.348) UTK COSC 100 Introduction to Computers and Computing
(0.345) GMU CS 330 Formal Methods and Models
(0.311) PDX CS 346 Exploring Complexity in Science and Technology
(0.258) UTK COSC 402 Senior Design Practicum
(0.244) LSU CSC 7375 Robot Vision
(0.234) Stanford CS 205 Mathematical Methods for Robotics, Vision, and Graphics
(0.214) SC CSCE 564 Computational Science
(0.212) LSU CSC 2610 Cloud Fundamentals & Web Programming
(0.204) AU CSC 546 Introduction to Computer Networks
(0.204) ACM EC 0 Discrete Mathematics
(0.189) Utah CS 6170 Computational Topology
(0.185) Utah CS 1410 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
(0.176) Utah CS 6600 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Graphics and Visualization
(0.175) PDX CS 669 Scholarship Skills
(0.173) Utah CS 7810 Advanced Computer Architecture
(0.168) ACM EC 0 General Computer Science
(0.161) PDX CS 410 Top: Introduction to Computational Biology
(0.160) GMU AIT 582 Applications of Metadata in Complex Big Data Problems
(0.158) GMU CS 895 Research Topics in CS
No prerequisites registered.