Capstone Software Engineering Project II
Course Description
Raw: Continuation of CSCE 490. Computer system implementation, testing, verification and validation of re
Stemmed: continu csce comput system implement test verif valid result written report oral present technic set
Inferred Topics
(0.488924) present, student, project, report, complet, semest, write, class, research, plan
(0.834) KSU CIS 499 Honors Research/Thesis
(0.834) Utah CS 7010 Writing Research Proposals
(0.783) GMU CS 999 Doctoral Dissertation
(0.781) Utah CS 6030 Technical Communications in Computer Science
(0.646) KSU CIS 15 Undergraduate Seminar
(0.642) KSU CIS 597 Information Systems Project
(0.597) RPI CSCI 6900 Computer Science Seminar
(0.585) GMU CS 990 Dissertation Topic Presentation
(0.552) KSU CIS 598 Computer Science Project
(0.497) Utah CS 3992 Computer Engineering Pre-Thesis/Pre-Clinic/Pre-Project
(0.494) Utah CS 3020 Research Forum
(0.489) SC CSCE 492 Capstone Software Engineering Project II
(0.485) UTK COSC 411 Senior Thesis I
(0.481) Utah CS 4710 Computer Engineering Senior Project
(0.478) GMU CS 998 Doctoral Dissertation Proposal
(0.458) KSU CIS 595 IS Cooperative Internship
(0.439) AU CSC 694 Capstone Project
(0.434) SC CSCE 490 Capstone Software Engineering Project I
(0.428) GMU CS 490 Design Exhibition
(0.383) RPI CSCI 6990 Masters Thesis
(0.375) Utah CS 6722 Analog IC Projects Testing
(0.362) Stanford CS 393 Computer Laboratory
(0.349) LSU CSC 3992 HONORS: Undergraduate Thesis in Computer Science
(0.343) Utah CS 4000 Senior Capstone Project - Design Phase
(0.331) GMU AIT 597 Developing IT Leaders of Integrity
(0.318) Stanford CS 272 Introduction to Biomedical Informatics Research Methodology (BIOE 212, BIOMEDIN 212, GENE 212)
(0.316) LSU CSC 4263 Video Game Design
(0.316) Utah CS 4500 Senior Capstone Project
(0.313) AU CSC 493 Computer Science Capstone Project
(0.300) RPI CSCI 6970 Professional Project
(0.297) GMU AIT 504 Issues of Cyberspace
(0.241) GMU CS 426 Game Programming II
(0.237) Stanford CS 193 Apple Watch Programming
(0.217) Utah CS 6510 Functional Programming
(0.203) GMU AIT 697 Leading Organizations Through Change
(0.197) Stanford CS 194 Software Project
(0.197) KSU CIS 643 Software Engineering Project II
(0.196) ACM EC 0 Software Development
(0.194) ACM EC 0 Technology Consulting in the Community
(0.190) PDX CS 106 Computing Fundamentals II
(0.190) GMU CS 697 Independent Reading and Research
(0.175) PDX CS 669 Scholarship Skills
(0.165) Utah CS 4998 Honors Project Thesis
(0.165) KSU CIS 642 Software Engineering Project I
(0.164) LSU CSC 7800 Computer Science Research Seminar
(0.162) Utah CS 7460 Distributed Operating Systems
(0.156) Utah CS 4010 Computer Science Internship
(0.150) Stanford CS 379 Computational Models of the Neocortex
(0.368061) softwar, design, test, system, develop, requir, manag, model, engin, specif
(0.946) PDX CS 454 Software Engineering
(0.938) KSU CIS 748 Advanced Software Management
(0.910) KSU CIS 641 Software Engineering Design Project
(0.906) PDX CS 554 Software Engineering
(0.894) KSU CIS 548 Software Management
(0.879) UTK COSC 340 Software Engineering
(0.867) KSU CIS 740 Software Engineering
(0.834) KSU CIS 746 Software Measurement
(0.775) ACM EC 0 Software Engineering Practices
(0.748) LSU CSC 4330 Software Systems Development
(0.728) SC CSCE 317 Computer Systems Engineering
(0.716) SC CSCE 240 Introduction to Software Engineering
(0.711) GMU CS 321 Software Requirements and Design Modeling
(0.708) KSU CIS 642 Software Engineering Project I
(0.674) KSU CIS 501 Software Architecture and Design
(0.671) LSU CSC 7135 Software Engineering
(0.654) ACM EC 0 Software Engineering
(0.651) KSU CIS 643 Software Engineering Project II
(0.600) Utah CS 3500 Software Practice
(0.558) KSU CIS 640 Software Testing Techniques
(0.557) PDX CS 555 Software Specification & Verification
(0.548) RPI CSCI 4440 Software Design and Documentation
(0.526) ACM EC 0 Software Engineering Practices
(0.511) PDX CS 300 Elements Of Software Engineering
(0.493) PDX CS 556 Software Implementation and Testing
(0.485) RPI CSCI 2600 Principles of Software
(0.462) LSU CSC 4370 Software Modeling Techniques
(0.395) SC CSCE 490 Capstone Software Engineering Project I
(0.394) Utah CS 5010 Software Practice
(0.392) AU CSC 543 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
(0.371) GMU CS 681 Designing Expert Systems
(0.368) SC CSCE 492 Capstone Software Engineering Project II
(0.356) Utah CS 3710 Computer Design Laboratory
(0.350) KSU CIS 585 Game Engine Design
(0.350) SC CSCE 415 Mainframe Systems
(0.331) GMU AIT 521 Software Engineering Essentials
(0.326) LSU CSC 3380 Object Oriented Design
(0.323) KSU CIS 645 Software Development Environments
(0.317) Stanford CS 190 Software Design Studio
(0.307) SC CSCE 613 Fundamentals of VLSI Chip Design
(0.298) Stanford CS 272 Introduction to Biomedical Informatics Research Methodology (BIOE 212, BIOMEDIN 212, GENE 212)
(0.296) KSU CIS 771 Software Specification
(0.283) KSU CIS 521 Real-Time Programming Laboratory
(0.279) GMU CS 787 Decision Guidance Systems
(0.267) SC CSCE 547 Windows Programming
(0.238) GMU CS 706 Concurrent Software Systems
(0.232) SC CSCE 612 VLSI System Design
(0.232) PDX CS 559 Software Measurement & Models
(0.232) Stanford CS 110 Principles of Computer Systems
(0.228) ACM EC 0 Software Development
(0.227) KSU CIS 636 Introduction to Computer Graphics
(0.199) GMU CS 105 Computer Ethics and Society
(0.199) Stanford CS 227 General Game Playing
(0.198) SC CSCE 548 Building Secure Software
(0.198) Stanford CS 194 Software Project
(0.198) KSU CIS 102 Introduction to Spreadsheet Applications
(0.194) Utah CS 5530 Database Systems
(0.188) ACM EC 0 Introduction to Programming Languages
(0.180) LSU CSC 3102 Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis
(0.166) KSU CIS 200 Programming Fundamentals
(0.160) ACM KA 0 Software Engineering (SE)
No prerequisites registered.