UNIX/Linux Fundamentals
Course Description
Raw: UNIX operating system, user-level system commands, and programming tools. UNIX scripting languages.
Stemmed: unix oper system user level system command program tool unix script languag
Inferred Topics
(0.372591) file, script, includ, linux, unix, exam, configur, manag, administr, mac
(0.530) Utah CS 2963 Linux Professional Institute Level 1
(0.508) KSU CIS 225 Personal Computer Systems Administration
(0.489) KSU CIS 527 Enterprise Systems Administration
(0.404) Utah CS 2964 Linux Professional Institute Level 2
(0.375) Utah CS 2960 Apple Certification
(0.373) SC CSCE 215 UNIX/Linux Fundamentals
(0.355) Utah CS 2962 Cisco CCNA Level 2
(0.337) Stanford CS 1 Practical Unix
(0.216) Utah CS 3470 Scripting Language Design and Implementation
(0.227357) system, softwar, design, hardwar, architectur, program, time, applic, embed, devic
(0.946) Utah CS 6785 Advanced Embedded Software
(0.945) Utah CS 5785 Advanced Embedded Software
(0.846) SC CSCE 313 Embedded Systems
(0.728) Utah CS 5780 Embedded System Design
(0.635) Utah CS 6780 Embedded System Design
(0.582) GMU CS 773 Real-Time Systems Design and Development
(0.575) KSU CIS 625 Concurrent Software Systems
(0.551) KSU CIS 750 Advanced Computer Architecture Experiments
(0.528) KSU CIS 622 Real-Time Operating Systems
(0.489) UTK COSC 100 Introduction to Computers and Computing
(0.466) LSU CSC 2463 Programming Digital Media
(0.444) PDX CS 597 Sensor Networks
(0.429) Utah CS 6360 Virtual Reality
(0.414) KSU CIS 721 Real-Time Systems
(0.402) PDX CS 497 Sensor Networks
(0.345) ACM KA 0 Architecture and Organization (AR)
(0.340) PDX CS 202 Programming Systems
(0.339) GMU CS 367 Computer Systems and Programming
(0.330) GMU CS 755 Advanced Computer Networks
(0.322) KSU CIS 225 Personal Computer Systems Administration
(0.308) Utah CS 5750 Synthesis and Verification of Asynchronous VLSI Systems
(0.294) RPI CSCI 4480 Robotics I
(0.293) UTK COSC 291 Lower-Division Special Topics
(0.289) KSU CIS 762 Office Automation
(0.289) KSU CIS 726 Advanced World Wide Web Technologies
(0.284) PDX CS 447 Computer Graphics
(0.276) PDX CS 579 Formal Verification of Hardware/Software
(0.267) Utah CS 5460 Operating Systems
(0.262) Utah CS 4540 Web Software Architecture
(0.256) GMU CS 719 Scalable Internet Services
(0.256) PDX CS 547 Computer Graphics
(0.256) GMU CS 475 Concurrent and Distributed Systems
(0.227) SC CSCE 215 UNIX/Linux Fundamentals
(0.219) LSU CSC 4304 Systems Programming
(0.218) SC CSCE 374 Robotic Applications and Design
(0.215) Utah CS 5789 Embedded Systems and Kinetic Art
(0.204) GMU CS 477 Mobile Application Development
(0.199) RPI CSCI 4210 Operating Systems
(0.199) Stanford CS 155 Computer and Network Security (EE 287A)
(0.199) GMU CS 555 Computer Communications and Networking
(0.198) SC CSCE 611 Advanced Digital Design
(0.189) ACM EC 0 Digital Components and Design
(0.173) GMU CS 884 Advanced Topics in Computer Vision and Robotics
(0.166) Stanford CS 395 Independent Database Project
(0.166) KSU CIS 690 Implementation Project
(0.164) PDX CS 105 Computing Fundamentals I
(0.162) Utah CS 6110 Formal Methods for System Design
(0.159) AU CSC 540 Computer System Organization and Programming
(0.157) ACM EC 0 Introduction to Computer Architecture
(0.154) ACM EC 0 Introduction to Systems and Networking
(0.153) PDX CS 572 Operating Systems Internals
(0.153) LSU CSC 7300 Algorithm Design and Analysis
(0.15325) program, languag, object, orient, includ, type, design, abstract, data, specif
(0.958) KSU CIS 705 Programming Languages
(0.855) UTK COSC 365 Programming Languages and Systems
(0.829) PDX CS 420 Object Oriented Programming
(0.829) PDX CS 520 Object Oriented Programming
(0.788) KSU CIS 505 Introduction to Programming Languages
(0.763) SC CSCE 330 Programming Language Structures
(0.739) Stanford CS 106 Standard C++ Programming Laboratory
(0.705) LSU CSC 4101 Programming Languages
(0.705) LSU CSC 1253 Computer Science I with C++
(0.695) Utah CS 7520 Programming Language Semantics
(0.694) RPI CSCI 4430 Programming Languages
(0.683) GMU CS 463 Comparative Programming Languages
(0.671) Utah CS 5510 Programming Language Concepts
(0.658) LSU CSC 7101 Programming Language Structures
(0.643) ACM EC 0 Java Programming I
(0.623) RPI CSCI 6430 Programming Languages
(0.585) ACM EC 0 Principles of Programming Languages
(0.583) PDX CS 558 Programming Languages
(0.567) PDX CS 578 Program Language Semantics
(0.541) ACM EC 0 Principles of Programming Languages
(0.536) GMU CS 261 Introduction to a Second Language
(0.522) SC CSCE 245 Object-Oriented Programming Techniques
(0.508) RPI CSCI 2961 Programming in Python
(0.485) UTK COSC 291 Lower-Division Special Topics
(0.457) ACM EC 0 Introduction to Programming
(0.442) LSU CSC 1350 Computer Science I for Majors
(0.435) GMU CS 332 Object-Oriented Software Design and Implementation
(0.429) AU CSC 544 Object-Oriented Programming
(0.420) GMU CS 222 Computer Programming for Engineers
(0.415) PDX CS 577 Modern Language Processors
(0.404) PDX CS 510 Top: Advanced Programming
(0.403) RPI CSCI 2220 Programming in Java
(0.395) GMU CS 706 Concurrent Software Systems
(0.395) KSU CIS 522 Introduction to Data Structures
(0.394) LSU CSC 1351 Computer Science II for Majors
(0.390) ACM EC 0 Programming Languages
(0.381) PDX CS 510 Top: Functional Logic Programming
(0.376) ACM EC 0 Programming Language Design and Implementation
(0.371) KSU CIS 301 Logical Foundations of Programming
(0.368) ACM EC 0 Object-Oriented Programming
(0.345) LSU CSC 1254 Computer Science II with C++
(0.342) ACM EC 0 Topics in Compiler Construction
(0.322) GMU CS 211 Object-Oriented Programming
(0.309) PDX CS 410 Top: Advanced Java Programming
(0.295) ACM EC 0 Introduction to Programming Languages
(0.288) GMU CS 540 Language Processors
(0.284) PDX CS 162 Introduction to Computer Science
(0.281) SC CSCE 209 Special Topics in Computer Programming
(0.274) AU CSC 521 Design and Organization of Programming Languages
(0.265) ACM EC 0 Programming Languages and Techniques I
(0.260) GMU CS 640 Advanced Compilers
(0.258) ACM EC 0 Software Development Foundations
(0.249) LSU CSC 4351 Compiler Construction
(0.248) GMU CS 681 Designing Expert Systems
(0.243) GMU AIT 521 Software Engineering Essentials
(0.240) Stanford CS 109 Statistical Computing with R Laboratory
(0.225) LSU CSC 7150 Program Analysis and Model Checking
(0.222) ACM EC 0 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
(0.221) KSU CIS 638 Multimedia Systems
(0.221) KSU CIS 580 Fundamentals of Game Programming
(0.212) UTK COSC 440 Formal Foundations of Software Engineering
(0.210) Stanford CS 143 Compilers
(0.209) ACM EC 0 Principles of Programming Languages
(0.209) Stanford CS 393 Computer Laboratory
(0.193) GMU CS 687 Advanced Artificial Intelligence
(0.192) GMU CS 450 Database Concepts
(0.190) RPI CSCI 6500 Distributed Computing Over The Internet
(0.184) GMU CS 351 Visual Computing
(0.178) LSU CSC 4243 Interface Design and Technology
(0.177) Stanford CS 42 Callback Me Maybe: Contemporary Javascript
(0.173) GMU CS 310 Data Structures
(0.172) KSU CIS 105 Introduction to Computer Programming
(0.166) PDX CS 163 Data Structures
(0.166) GMU CS 635 Foundations of Parallel Computation
(0.166) LSU CSC 3380 Object Oriented Design
(0.164) ACM EC 0 Compiler Design
(0.162) GMU CS 674 Data Mining on Multimedia Data
(0.156) Utah CS 3470 Scripting Language Design and Implementation
(0.155) RPI CSCI 2600 Principles of Software
(0.154) Stanford CS 106 Programming Methodology (ENGR 70A)
(0.153) SC CSCE 215 UNIX/Linux Fundamentals
No prerequisites registered.