LSU CSC 7481
Information Retrieval Systems
Course Description
Raw: Topics include commercially available retrieval systems, text content analysis, query proces
Stemmed: topic includ commerci retriev system text content analysi queri process model current research probl
Inferred Topics
(0.587672) research, applic, includ, topic, discuss, paper, advanc, comput, studi, system
(0.588) LSU CSC 7481 Information Retrieval Systems
(0.553) Utah CS 6480 Advanced Computer Networks
(0.551) GMU AIT 701 Cyber Security: Emerging Threats and Countermeasures
(0.524) PDX CS 510 Top: Nonstandard Computation
(0.476) AU CSC 694 Capstone Project
(0.463) Utah CS 7810 Advanced Computer Architecture
(0.414) GMU AIT 702 Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking
(0.410) GMU AIT 624 Semantic Web Tools for Multimedia Applications
(0.380) PDX CS 510 Top: Machine Learning Practicum
(0.372) GMU CS 455 Computer Communications and Networking
(0.364) GMU CS 896 Directed Reading and Research
(0.364) AU CSC 636 Advanced Database Management Systems
(0.361) Utah CS 7640 Advanced Image Processing
(0.360) GMU AIT 800 Applied Information Technology Colloquium
(0.357) KSU CIS 598 Computer Science Project
(0.357) GMU CS 788 Autonomic Computing
(0.352) GMU AIT 650 Distributed Systems and Overlay Networking
(0.344) PDX CS 446 Advanced Topics in Machine Learning
(0.344) AU CSC 544 Object-Oriented Programming
(0.341) GMU AIT 674 Research, Development and Technology in the Intelligence Community
(0.322) PDX CS 510 Top: In Software Eng. New Ideas in Testing Theory
(0.321) PDX CS 558 Programming Languages
(0.320) GMU AIT 670 Best Practices Managing Security and Privacy for Cloud Computing
(0.314) Stanford CS 376 Human-Computer Interaction Research
(0.312) GMU CS 779 Topics in Resilient and Secure Computer Systems
(0.308) Stanford CS 191 Senior Project
(0.305) Utah CS 3011 Industry Forum
(0.302) PDX CS 546 Advanced Topics in Machine Learning
(0.297) PDX CS 410 Top: Wireless Networking Concepts
(0.296) GMU AIT 580 Analytics: Big Data to Information
(0.289) Utah CS 6665 Character Animation
(0.278) PDX CS 510 Top: Multicore Computing
(0.278) PDX CS 410 Top: Multicore Computing
(0.265) AU CSC 100 Computers and Information
(0.262) PDX CS 105 Computing Fundamentals I
(0.257) GMU CS 390 Research and Project Design Principles in Computing
(0.256) GMU CS 555 Computer Communications and Networking
(0.248) Utah CS 7310 Robot Mobility and Manipulation
(0.248) GMU CS 752 Interactive Graphics Software
(0.245) GMU CS 998 Doctoral Dissertation Proposal
(0.245) SC CSCE 205 Business Applications Programming
(0.240) Stanford CS 371 Computational Biology in Four Dimensions (CME 371)
(0.240) Stanford CS 244 Networked Wireless Systems (EE 384E)
(0.239) AU CSC 540 Computer System Organization and Programming
(0.238) GMU AIT 710 Design of Learning and Educational Technologies
(0.236) Stanford CS 379 Computational Models of the Neocortex
(0.234) PDX CS 410 Top: Data Streams
(0.232) GMU CS 755 Advanced Computer Networks
(0.230) Stanford CS 294 Research Project in Software Systems and Security
(0.228) GMU AIT 602 Introduction to Research in Applied Information Technology
(0.226) PDX CS 576 Computer Security
(0.225) Stanford CS 244 Advanced Topics in Networking (EE 284B)
(0.224) GMU CS 584 Theory and Applications of Data Mining
(0.223) PDX CS 510 Top: Data Streams
(0.222) Stanford CS 42 Callback Me Maybe: Contemporary Javascript
(0.219) SC CSCE 498 Independent Study
(0.216) KSU CIS 597 Information Systems Project
(0.214) RPI CSCI 6530 Advanced Computer Graphics
(0.214) RPI CSCI 4530 Advanced Computer Graphics
(0.211) GMU AIT 676 Intelligence Technologies, Research and Development in the Intelligence Community
(0.211) GMU CS 777 Human-Computer Intelligent Interaction
(0.203) Utah CS 6235 Parallel Programming for Many-Core Architectures
(0.199) Stanford CS 240 Advanced Topics in Operating Systems
(0.199) GMU AIT 590 Topics in Applied Information Technology
(0.194) GMU AIT 677 Intelligence Analysis Methods
(0.193) GMU CS 123 Computing: From the Abacus to the Web
(0.192) GMU AIT 673 Cyber Incident Handling and Response
(0.192) GMU CS 697 Independent Reading and Research
(0.192) GMU CS 756 Performance Analysis of Computer Networks
(0.185) KSU CIS 638 Multimedia Systems
(0.176) AU CSC 637 Database Administration
(0.176) GMU AIT 581 Problem Formation and Solving in Big Data
(0.172) GMU CS 667 Biometrics and Identity Management
(0.172) PDX CS 510 Top: Distributed Computing
(0.171) GMU CS 811 Research Topics in Machine Learning and Inference
(0.167) PDX CS 443 Advanced Artificial Intelligence: Combinatorial Search
(0.167) PDX CS 594 Internetworking Protocols
(0.166) Stanford CS 499 Advanced Reading and Research
(0.161) GMU CS 719 Scalable Internet Services
(0.158) AU CSC 535 User Interface Analysis and Design
(0.158) GMU CS 640 Advanced Compilers
(0.151) Utah CS 6670 Computer-Aided Geometric Design I
(0.151) Stanford CS 327 Advanced Robotic Manipulation
(0.195772) databas, data, system, manag, queri, relat, model, design, process, optim
(0.869) PDX CS 410 Top: Database Internals
(0.819) PDX CS 587 Relational Database Management Systems
(0.718) PDX CS 486 Introduction to Database Management Systems
(0.677) Stanford CS 347 Parallel and Distributed Data Management
(0.669) GMU CS 650 Advanced Database Management
(0.656) LSU CSC 4402 Introduction to Database Management Systems
(0.619) GMU AIT 524 Database Management Essentials
(0.617) PDX CS 586 Introduction to Database Management Systems
(0.615) KSU CIS 560 Database System Concepts
(0.592) GMU CS 450 Database Concepts
(0.577) SC CSCE 520 Database System Design
(0.568) AU CSC 570 Database Management Systems
(0.559) GMU CS 550 Database Systems
(0.545) GMU CS 504 Principles of Data Management and Mining
(0.510) KSU CIS 562 Enterprise Information Systems
(0.490) LSU CSC 7402 Data Base Management Systems
(0.485) RPI CSCI 4380 Database Systems
(0.473) PDX CS 588 Distributed Database Systems
(0.403) KSU CIS 761 Data Base Management Systems
(0.388) Utah CS 6530 Database Systems
(0.385) KSU CIS 764 Database Design
(0.379) KSU CIS 103 Introduction to Database Applications
(0.323) UTK COSC 465 Databases and Scripting Languages
(0.314) PDX CS 510 Top: Foundations of Database Systems
(0.303) LSU CSC 2730 Data Science and Analytics
(0.266) GMU AIT 671 Information System Infrastructure Lifecycle Management
(0.264) AU CSC 636 Advanced Database Management Systems
(0.246) Stanford CS 395 Independent Database Project
(0.242) Utah CS 5530 Database Systems
(0.234) SC CSCE 522 Information Security Principles
(0.233) AU CSC 637 Database Administration
(0.197) SC CSCE 304 Applied Problem Solving and Programming
(0.196) LSU CSC 7481 Information Retrieval Systems
(0.196) LSU CSC 7701 Sensor Networking Concepts
(0.182) ACM KA 0 Information Management (IM)
No prerequisites registered.