GMU CS 658
Networked Virtual Environments
Course Description
Raw: Topics covered in lecture are: networked virtual environment overview, networking technology, networ
Stemmed: topic cover lectur network virtual environ overview network technolog network multimedia concept vir
Inferred Topics
(0.331371) develop, platform, base, web, mobil, environ, virtual, interfac, app, servic
(0.479) ACM KA 0 Platform-Based Development (PBD)
(0.412) KSU CIS 526 Web Interface Design
(0.345) GMU CS 673 Multimedia Computing and Systems
(0.331) GMU CS 658 Networked Virtual Environments
(0.309) AU CSC 535 User Interface Analysis and Design
(0.294) Stanford CS 211 Content Creation in Virtual Reality
(0.279) GMU CS 477 Mobile Application Development
(0.234) KSU CIS 523 Introduction to Concurrent Programming
(0.225) Stanford CS 231 Mobile Computer Vision
(0.154) Stanford CS 42 Callback Me Maybe: Contemporary Javascript
(0.201895) project, team, final, experi, design, lectur, softwar, signific, major, propos
(0.658) PDX CS 470 Software Engineering Capstone II
(0.643) PDX CS 469 Software Engineering Capstone I
(0.431) Utah CS 3992 Computer Engineering Pre-Thesis/Pre-Clinic/Pre-Project
(0.365) Utah CS 6945 Graduate Internship
(0.361) UTK COSC 402 Senior Design Practicum
(0.343) Stanford CS 194 Software Project
(0.325) Utah CS 4000 Senior Capstone Project - Design Phase
(0.315) LSU CSC 4263 Video Game Design
(0.293) Stanford CS 377 Designing Solutions to Global Grand Challenges
(0.272) SC CSCE 491 Capstone Computer System Project
(0.270) Utah CS 4500 Senior Capstone Project
(0.248) RPI CSCI 4540 Game Development II
(0.243) Stanford CS 225 Experimental Robotics
(0.241) Utah CS 4710 Computer Engineering Senior Project
(0.237) GMU CS 425 Game Programming I
(0.237) PDX CS 549 Computational Geometry
(0.235) Stanford CS 191 Senior Project
(0.230) GMU CS 673 Multimedia Computing and Systems
(0.202) GMU CS 658 Networked Virtual Environments
(0.179) Stanford CS 272 Introduction to Biomedical Informatics Research Methodology (BIOE 212, BIOMEDIN 212, GENE 212)
(0.164) KSU CIS 690 Implementation Project
(0.157) Utah CS 4600 Introduction to Computer Graphics
(0.155) Utah CS 3470 Scripting Language Design and Implementation
(0.154) Stanford CS 210 Software Project Experience with Corporate Partners
(0.152) GMU AIT 673 Cyber Incident Handling and Response
(0.150) GMU CS 391 Advanced Programming Lab
(0.187507) network, protocol, wireless, layer, applic, commun, tcp, mobil, internet, architectur
(0.701) SC CSCE 416 Introduction to Computer Networks
(0.697) PDX CS 573 Computer Communications
(0.598) LSU CSC 7601 Design Issues in High-Speed Networks: Multicast, Pricing and Control
(0.580) LSU CSC 4501 Computer Networks
(0.580) ACM EC 0 Computer Networks I
(0.556) GMU CS 455 Computer Communications and Networking
(0.498) PDX CS 510 Top: Wireless Networking Concepts
(0.481) SC CSCE 516 Computer Networks
(0.478) Stanford CS 244 Networked Wireless Systems (EE 384E)
(0.476) AU CSC 546 Introduction to Computer Networks
(0.458) LSU CSC 2610 Cloud Fundamentals & Web Programming
(0.436) KSU CIS 525 Telecommunications and Data Communication Systems
(0.424) GMU CS 555 Computer Communications and Networking
(0.422) PDX CS 410 Top: Wireless Networking Concepts
(0.417) SC CSCE 515 Computer Network Programming
(0.414) Stanford CS 244 Advanced Topics in Networking (EE 284B)
(0.414) LSU CSC 7602 Wireless Networks
(0.379) GMU CS 756 Performance Analysis of Computer Networks
(0.351) RPI CSCI 4220 Network Programming
(0.344) Utah CS 4480 Computer Networks
(0.329) PDX CS 510 Top: Wireless Internet Protocols & Standards
(0.329) PDX CS 410 Top: Wireless Internet Protocols & Standards
(0.325) LSU CSC 7701 Sensor Networking Concepts
(0.287) GMU AIT 650 Distributed Systems and Overlay Networking
(0.266) UTK COSC 434 Network Security
(0.257) ACM EC 0 Computer Networks
(0.255) GMU CS 475 Concurrent and Distributed Systems
(0.214) SC CSCE 517 Computer Crime and Forensics
(0.188) GMU CS 658 Networked Virtual Environments
(0.171) Utah CS 2962 Cisco CCNA Level 2
(0.170) PDX CS 567 The Wireless Web
(0.170) PDX CS 467 The Wireless Web
(0.157) Stanford CS 347 Parallel and Distributed Data Management