GMU CS 262
Introduction to Low-Level Programming
Course Description
Raw: Introduction to the language C, as well as operating system concepts, in UNIX, to prepare students f
Stemmed: introduct languag oper system concept unix prepar student topic system program
Inferred Topics
(0.485879) system, oper, manag, process, distribut, memori, file, program, concurr, commun
(0.928) SC CSCE 311 Operating Systems
(0.842) LSU CSC 7103 Advanced Operating Systems
(0.816) LSU CSC 4103 Operating Systems
(0.803) UTK COSC 361 Operating Systems
(0.797) KSU CIS 520 Operating Systems I
(0.794) KSU CIS 720 Advanced Operating Systems
(0.785) GMU CS 571 Operating Systems
(0.749) PDX CS 333 Introduction to Operating Systems
(0.738) GMU CS 471 Operating Systems
(0.720) PDX CS 572 Operating Systems Internals
(0.694) PDX CS 533 Concepts of Operating Systems
(0.670) GMU CS 675 Distributed Systems
(0.631) LSU CSC 7540 Distributed Systems
(0.629) AU CSC 565 Operating Systems
(0.621) UTK COSC 360 Systems Programming
(0.621) KSU CIS 722 Operating System Practices
(0.607) Utah CS 5460 Operating Systems
(0.591) Stanford CS 240 Advanced Topics in Operating Systems
(0.509) RPI CSCI 4210 Operating Systems
(0.486) GMU CS 262 Introduction to Low-Level Programming
(0.457) LSU CSC 4304 Systems Programming
(0.423) ACM EC 0 Operating Systems
(0.415) Utah CS 7460 Distributed Operating Systems
(0.386) SC CSCE 510 System Programming
(0.386) PDX CS 575 Computer System Analysis
(0.382) KSU CIS 527 Enterprise Systems Administration
(0.378) RPI CSCI 6500 Distributed Computing Over The Internet
(0.366) GMU CS 531 Fundamentals of Systems Programming
(0.362) KSU CIS 721 Real-Time Systems
(0.329) KSU CIS 523 Introduction to Concurrent Programming
(0.325) ACM KA 0 Operating Systems (OS)
(0.297) KSU CIS 622 Real-Time Operating Systems
(0.277) SC CSCE 526 Service Oriented Computing
(0.266) Stanford CS 294 Research Project in Software Systems and Security
(0.256) GMU AIT 650 Distributed Systems and Overlay Networking
(0.248) KSU CIS 521 Real-Time Programming Laboratory
(0.232) KSU CIS 761 Data Base Management Systems
(0.209) PDX CS 202 Programming Systems
(0.206) PDX CS 201 Computer Systems Programming
(0.205) GMU CS 818 Topics in Computer Systems
(0.204) KSU CIS 525 Telecommunications and Data Communication Systems
(0.198) Utah CS 7820 Parallel Computer Architecture
(0.189) RPI CSCI 6140 Computer Operating Systems
(0.185) KSU CIS 750 Advanced Computer Architecture Experiments
(0.177) GMU CS 469 Security Engineering
(0.175) ACM EC 0 Introduction to Systems and Networking
(0.172) AU CSC 544 Object-Oriented Programming
(0.165) KSU CIS 690 Implementation Project
(0.158) ACM KA 0 Systems Fundamentals (SF)
(0.156) Utah CS 2963 Linux Professional Institute Level 1
(0.155) GMU CS 468 Secure Programming and Systems
(0.162808) learn, student, design, applic, appli, technolog, machin, method, broad, adapt
(0.808) GMU AIT 721 Design of IT Artifacts, Applications and Systems
(0.598) PDX CS 546 Advanced Topics in Machine Learning
(0.556) PDX CS 446 Advanced Topics in Machine Learning
(0.542) GMU AIT 601 Foundations of Applied Information Technology
(0.531) GMU AIT 510 Learning Technology: Theory, Application and Design
(0.424) GMU AIT 602 Introduction to Research in Applied Information Technology
(0.367) GMU AIT 710 Design of Learning and Educational Technologies
(0.353) GMU CS 782 Machine Learning
(0.319) GMU CS 390 Research and Project Design Principles in Computing
(0.310) Stanford CS 377 Designing Solutions to Global Grand Challenges
(0.291) PDX CS 510 Top: Machine Learning Practicum
(0.262) PDX CS 510 Top: Spoken Language Interfaces
(0.255) PDX CS 346 Exploring Complexity in Science and Technology
(0.248) GMU AIT 677 Intelligence Analysis Methods
(0.239) GMU CS 444 Introduction to Computational Biology
(0.237) Stanford CS 193 Apple Watch Programming
(0.220) Stanford CS 377 Topics in Learning and Technology: d.compress - Designing Calm (EDUC 328A)
(0.217) Utah CS 3470 Scripting Language Design and Implementation
(0.214) SC CSCE 517 Computer Crime and Forensics
(0.189) ACM EC 0 Human-Computer Interaction
(0.175) ACM EC 0 General Computer Science
(0.174) GMU CS 685 Autonomous Robotics
(0.173) GMU CS 673 Multimedia Computing and Systems
(0.172) GMU CS 490 Design Exhibition
(0.165) LSU CSC 4740 Big Data Technologies
(0.163) GMU CS 262 Introduction to Low-Level Programming
(0.159) PDX CS 445 Machine Learning
(0.162596) search, intellig, knowledg, reason, problem, represent, artifici, languag, learn, system
(0.923) PDX CS 541 Artificial Intelligence
(0.833) AU CSC 568 Artificial Intelligence
(0.819) KSU CIS 730 Principles of Artificial Intelligence
(0.766) GMU CS 580 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
(0.761) PDX CS 441 Artificial Intelligence
(0.759) LSU CSC 4444 Artificial Intelligence
(0.698) ACM EC 0 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
(0.657) GMU CS 480 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
(0.645) SC CSCE 580 Artificial Intelligence
(0.584) Utah CS 4300 Artificial Intelligence
(0.569) ACM KA 0 Intelligent Systems (IS)
(0.559) ACM EC 0 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
(0.528) KSU CIS 635 Introduction to Computer-Based Knowledge Systems
(0.523) KSU CIS 530 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
(0.509) Stanford CS 227 General Game Playing
(0.485) RPI CSCI 4150 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
(0.447) LSU CSC 7444 Advanced Artificial Intelligence
(0.414) GMU CS 687 Advanced Artificial Intelligence
(0.369) Utah CS 6380 Multi-agent Systems
(0.352) UTK COSC 420 Biologically-Inspired Computation
(0.321) ACM EC 0 Artificial Intelligence
(0.313) ACM EC 0 Artificial Intelligence Programming
(0.306) LSU CSC 7375 Robot Vision
(0.302) Stanford CS 323 Automated Reasoning: Theory and Applications
(0.273) GMU CS 685 Autonomous Robotics
(0.197) KSU CIS 101 Introduction to Computing Systems
(0.181) PDX CS 553 Design Patterns
(0.163) GMU CS 262 Introduction to Low-Level Programming
Prerequisite Course Topics
CS 211 Object-Oriented Programming
(0.322136) program, languag, object, orient, includ, type, design, abstract, data, specif
(0.187462) compil, code, pars, analysi, gener, optim, techniqu, lexic, languag, construct
(0.187153) class, test, program, condit, code, review, api, complex, constructor, pointer
(0.162099) program, problem, data, comput, algorithm, solv, structur, introduct, engin, languag
CS 222 Computer Programming for Engineers
(0.419767) program, languag, object, orient, includ, type, design, abstract, data, specif
(0.28184) program, problem, data, comput, algorithm, solv, structur, introduct, engin, languag
(0.220791) design, techniqu, includ, system, topic, principl, comput, tool, cover, student