Applications of Metadata in Complex Big Data Problems
Course Description
Raw: Course explores technical and analytical issues, solutions and gaps in processing large volumes of d
Stemmed: explor technic analyt issu solut gap process larg volum data leverag metadata goal find fact interes
Inferred Topics
(0.318324) intellig, collect, process, inform, nation, repres, technic, engin, emploi, deliv
(0.748) GMU AIT 676 Intelligence Technologies, Research and Development in the Intelligence Community
(0.593) GMU AIT 674 Research, Development and Technology in the Intelligence Community
(0.412) GMU AIT 675 Overview of the National Intelligence Community
(0.320) GMU AIT 678 National Security Challenges
(0.318) GMU AIT 582 Applications of Metadata in Complex Big Data Problems
(0.294) Utah CS 3991 CE Junior Seminar
(0.195) SC CSCE 350 Data Structures and Algorithms
(0.155) Utah CS 6475 Advanced Compilers
(0.152) Utah CS 3011 Industry Forum
(0.254808) data, problem, state, big, set, present, law, polici, solut, practic
(0.713) GMU AIT 679 Law and Ethics of Big Data
(0.610) GMU AIT 581 Problem Formation and Solving in Big Data
(0.517) Stanford CS 204 Legal Informatics
(0.342) ACM EC 0 Computer Networks
(0.329) GMU AIT 504 Issues of Cyberspace
(0.302) Stanford CS 275 Music Query, Analysis, and Style Simulation (MUSIC 254)
(0.255) GMU AIT 582 Applications of Metadata in Complex Big Data Problems
(0.241) GMU AIT 580 Analytics: Big Data to Information
(0.204) GMU AIT 678 National Security Challenges
(0.183) LSU CSC 2533 Introduction to Engineering Computation
(0.183) Stanford CS 192 Programming Service Project
(0.169) ACM EC 0 Issues in Computing
(0.159607) comput, scienc, mathemat, field, scientif, disciplin, visual, complex, model, data
(0.939) RPI CSCI 6350 Data Science
(0.913) RPI CSCI 4350 Data Science
(0.449) GMU CS 101 Preview of Computer Science
(0.401) KSU CIS 115 Introduction to Computing Science
(0.396) ACM KA 0 Computational Science (CN)
(0.381) Utah CS 1030 Foundations of Computer Science
(0.353) Utah CS 3200 Introduction to Scientific Computing
(0.348) UTK COSC 100 Introduction to Computers and Computing
(0.345) GMU CS 330 Formal Methods and Models
(0.311) PDX CS 346 Exploring Complexity in Science and Technology
(0.258) UTK COSC 402 Senior Design Practicum
(0.244) LSU CSC 7375 Robot Vision
(0.234) Stanford CS 205 Mathematical Methods for Robotics, Vision, and Graphics
(0.214) SC CSCE 564 Computational Science
(0.212) LSU CSC 2610 Cloud Fundamentals & Web Programming
(0.204) AU CSC 546 Introduction to Computer Networks
(0.204) ACM EC 0 Discrete Mathematics
(0.189) Utah CS 6170 Computational Topology
(0.185) Utah CS 1410 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
(0.176) Utah CS 6600 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Graphics and Visualization
(0.175) PDX CS 669 Scholarship Skills
(0.173) Utah CS 7810 Advanced Computer Architecture
(0.168) ACM EC 0 General Computer Science
(0.161) PDX CS 410 Top: Introduction to Computational Biology
(0.160) GMU AIT 582 Applications of Metadata in Complex Big Data Problems
(0.158) GMU CS 895 Research Topics in CS
(0.159388) data, mine, algorithm, larg, web, effici, techniqu, search, time, cluster
(0.748) RPI CSCI 6390 Database Mining
(0.714) Utah CS 6140 Data Mining
(0.695) RPI CSCI 4390 Database Mining
(0.644) Utah CS 5140 Data Mining
(0.619) Stanford CS 276 Information Retrieval and Web Search (LINGUIST 286)
(0.614) LSU CSC 7442 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
(0.588) GMU CS 674 Data Mining on Multimedia Data
(0.573) LSU CSC 4740 Big Data Technologies
(0.495) GMU CS 657 Mining Massive Datasets with MapReduce
(0.470) GMU CS 584 Theory and Applications of Data Mining
(0.321) Stanford CS 341 Project in Mining Massive Data Sets
(0.301) Stanford CS 263 Algorithms for Modern Data Models (MS&E 317)
(0.262) GMU CS 484 Data Mining
(0.190) LSU CSC 2730 Data Science and Analytics
(0.173) GMU CS 504 Principles of Data Management and Mining
(0.159) GMU AIT 582 Applications of Metadata in Complex Big Data Problems
No prerequisites registered.