Functional Programming
Course Description
Raw: The four key skills that students learn are to write parallel functional programs to analyze program
Stemmed: kei skill student learn write parallel function program analyz program sequenti parallel time comple
Inferred Topics
(0.173703) parallel, program, comput, algorithm, model, memori, includ, perform, share, messag
(0.945) PDX CS 415 Parallel Programming
(0.839) PDX CS 515 Parallel Programming
(0.792) SC CSCE 569 Parallel Computing
(0.763) RPI CSCI 6360 Parallel Computing
(0.699) ACM EC 0 Parallel Programming Principle and Practice
(0.658) GMU CS 635 Foundations of Parallel Computation
(0.625) LSU CSC 7600 High Performance Computing I
(0.550) UTK COSC 462 Parallel Programming
(0.529) ACM EC 0 Introduction to Parallel Programming
(0.512) Utah CS 7820 Parallel Computer Architecture
(0.495) RPI CSCI 4320 Parallel Programming
(0.391) PDX CS 550 Parallel Algorithms
(0.386) Utah CS 6230 Parallel Computing and High Performance Computing
(0.381) PDX CS 410 Top: Parallel Algorithms
(0.374) KSU CIS 523 Introduction to Concurrent Programming
(0.362) Stanford CS 110 Principles of Computer Systems
(0.328) RPI CSCI 6140 Computer Operating Systems
(0.320) SC CSCE 564 Computational Science
(0.283) ACM KA 0 Parallel and Distributed Computing (PD)
(0.276) Utah CS 4230 Parallel Programming
(0.264) Utah CS 4400 Computer Systems
(0.240) GMU CS 683 Parallel Algorithms
(0.223) RPI CSCI 4020 Computer Algorithms
(0.217) ACM EC 0 Data Abstractions
(0.214) Utah CS 5780 Embedded System Design
(0.198) GMU CS 475 Concurrent and Distributed Systems
(0.197) Utah CS 7310 Robot Mobility and Manipulation
(0.174) ACM EC 0 Functional Programming
(0.173) ACM EC 0 Great Ideas in Computer Architecture
(0.165) KSU CIS 625 Concurrent Software Systems
(0.160) ACM EC 0 Principles of Programming Languages
(0.17369) student, learn, skill, requir, write, analyz, program, organ, complex, teach
(0.844) GMU AIT 690 Advanced Topics in Applied Information Technology
(0.708) GMU AIT 685 Capstone Seminar
(0.653) GMU AIT 697 Leading Organizations Through Change
(0.637) GMU AIT 590 Topics in Applied Information Technology
(0.528) GMU AIT 665 Managing Information Technology Programs in the Federal Sector
(0.381) GMU AIT 597 Developing IT Leaders of Integrity
(0.374) Stanford CS 198 Teaching Computer Science
(0.320) PDX CS 669 Scholarship Skills
(0.311) PDX CS 510 Top: Advanced Programming
(0.272) GMU CS 483 Analysis of Algorithms
(0.225) GMU CS 100 Principles of Computing
(0.207) Utah CS 6712 Digital IC Projects Testing
(0.204) Utah CS 5040 Teaching Introductory Computer Science
(0.193) GMU AIT 675 Overview of the National Intelligence Community
(0.178) Utah CS 1030 Foundations of Computer Science
(0.174) ACM EC 0 Functional Programming
(0.169) RPI CSCI 1010 Introduction to Computer Programming
(0.165) GMU CS 880 Research Topics in Artificial Intelligence
(0.150) Stanford CS 181 Computers, Ethics, and Public Policy (WIM)
(0.161867) logic, mathemat, theori, proof, set, introduct, algorithm, discret, formal, relat
(0.937) UTK COSC 311 Discrete Structures
(0.934) Utah CS 2100 Discrete Structures
(0.787) LSU CSC 2259 Discrete Structures
(0.739) PDX CS 250 Discrete Structures I
(0.726) PDX CS 251 Discrete Structures II
(0.673) KSU CIS 604 Set Theory and Logic for CS
(0.668) PDX CS 510 Top: Mathematical Logic via Foundational Algorithms
(0.659) PDX CS 579 Formal Verification of Hardware/Software
(0.588) PDX CS 410 Top: Mathematical Logic via Foundational Algorithms
(0.565) AU CSC 350 Introduction to Discrete Structures
(0.510) Stanford CS 103 Mathematical Foundations of Computing
(0.439) SC CSCE 146 Algorithmic Design II
(0.426) SC CSCE 211 Digital Logic Design
(0.409) ACM EC 0 Discrete Structures I
(0.393) GMU CS 530 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
(0.354) ACM EC 0 Discrete Structures II
(0.328) KSU CIS 301 Logical Foundations of Programming
(0.320) ACM EC 0 Discrete Mathematics
(0.313) ACM KA 0 Discrete Structures (DS)
(0.306) LSU CSC 7375 Robot Vision
(0.296) RPI CSCI 2200 Foundations of Computer Science
(0.295) KSU CIS 771 Software Specification
(0.265) AU CSC 460 Tools of Scientific Computing
(0.249) ACM EC 0 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
(0.241) Utah CS 6110 Formal Methods for System Design
(0.225) UTK COSC 483 Applied Cryptography
(0.224) GMU CS 600 Theory of Computation
(0.213) PDX CS 578 Program Language Semantics
(0.184) UTK COSC 312 Algorithm Analysis and Automata
(0.177) LSU CSC 7333 Machine Learning
(0.173) GMU CS 330 Formal Methods and Models
(0.173) KSU CIS 570 Introduction to Formal Language Theory
(0.165) KSU CIS 575 Introduction to Algorithm Analysis
(0.163) Utah CS 3100 Models of Computation
(0.162) ACM EC 0 Functional Programming
(0.152) Stanford CS 109 Introduction to Probability for Computer Scientists
No prerequisites registered.