Utah CS 4480
Computer Networks
Course Description
Raw: A comprehensive study of the principles and practices of data communication and networks. Topics inc
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Inferred Topics
(0.344287) network, protocol, wireless, layer, applic, commun, tcp, mobil, internet, architectur
(0.701) SC CSCE 416 Introduction to Computer Networks
(0.697) PDX CS 573 Computer Communications
(0.598) LSU CSC 7601 Design Issues in High-Speed Networks: Multicast, Pricing and Control
(0.580) LSU CSC 4501 Computer Networks
(0.580) ACM EC 0 Computer Networks I
(0.556) GMU CS 455 Computer Communications and Networking
(0.498) PDX CS 510 Top: Wireless Networking Concepts
(0.481) SC CSCE 516 Computer Networks
(0.478) Stanford CS 244 Networked Wireless Systems (EE 384E)
(0.476) AU CSC 546 Introduction to Computer Networks
(0.458) LSU CSC 2610 Cloud Fundamentals & Web Programming
(0.436) KSU CIS 525 Telecommunications and Data Communication Systems
(0.424) GMU CS 555 Computer Communications and Networking
(0.422) PDX CS 410 Top: Wireless Networking Concepts
(0.417) SC CSCE 515 Computer Network Programming
(0.414) Stanford CS 244 Advanced Topics in Networking (EE 284B)
(0.414) LSU CSC 7602 Wireless Networks
(0.379) GMU CS 756 Performance Analysis of Computer Networks
(0.351) RPI CSCI 4220 Network Programming
(0.344) Utah CS 4480 Computer Networks
(0.329) PDX CS 510 Top: Wireless Internet Protocols & Standards
(0.329) PDX CS 410 Top: Wireless Internet Protocols & Standards
(0.325) LSU CSC 7701 Sensor Networking Concepts
(0.287) GMU AIT 650 Distributed Systems and Overlay Networking
(0.266) UTK COSC 434 Network Security
(0.257) ACM EC 0 Computer Networks
(0.255) GMU CS 475 Concurrent and Distributed Systems
(0.214) SC CSCE 517 Computer Crime and Forensics
(0.188) GMU CS 658 Networked Virtual Environments
(0.171) Utah CS 2962 Cisco CCNA Level 2
(0.170) PDX CS 567 The Wireless Web
(0.170) PDX CS 467 The Wireless Web
(0.157) Stanford CS 347 Parallel and Distributed Data Management
(0.202435) protocol, network, rout, switch, layer, manag, includ, address, ipv, internet
(0.756) PDX CS 594 Internetworking Protocols
(0.745) PDX CS 410 Top: Network Routing and Management
(0.679) PDX CS 410 Top: Network Management & Security
(0.679) PDX CS 494 Internetworking Protocols
(0.614) PDX CS 596 Network Management & Security
(0.602) PDX CS 595 Network Routing
(0.483) RPI CSCI 4650 Networking Laboratory I
(0.440) Utah CS 2961 Cisco CCNA Level 1
(0.412) RPI CSCI 4660 Networking Laboratory II
(0.402) KSU CIS 725 Advanced Computer Networks
(0.295) ACM EC 0 Introduction to Computer Networking
(0.270) ACM EC 0 Computer Networks I
(0.263) GMU CS 755 Advanced Computer Networks
(0.202) Utah CS 4480 Computer Networks
(0.191) Stanford CS 244 Advanced Topics in Networking (EE 284B)
(0.165612) design, techniqu, includ, system, topic, principl, comput, tool, cover, student
(0.790) LSU CSC 7443 Scientific Information Visualization
(0.780) KSU CIS 755 Advanced Computer and Information Security
(0.771) Utah CS 6680 Computer-Aided Geometric Design II
(0.630) UTK COSC 401 Senior Design Theory
(0.578) LSU CSC 4512 Optimization: Modeling Approaches, Algorithms and Applications
(0.567) UTK COSC 440 Formal Foundations of Software Engineering
(0.539) GMU CS 445 Computational Methods for Genomics
(0.510) Utah CS 6600 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Graphics and Visualization
(0.498) KSU CIS 111 Introduction to Computer Programming
(0.484) PDX CS 410 Top: Measuring Computer Performance
(0.477) GMU CS 310 Data Structures
(0.475) GMU CS 325 Introduction to Game Design
(0.454) SC CSCE 552 Computer Game Development
(0.454) UTK COSC 302 Data Structures and Algorithms II
(0.444) Utah CS 3505 Software Practice II
(0.440) Stanford CS 91 Digital Canvas: Intro to Visual Design on the Web
(0.440) PDX CS 313 AI & Game Design
(0.421) KSU CIS 526 Web Interface Design
(0.419) Utah CS 5630 Visualization
(0.417) LSU CSC 3380 Object Oriented Design
(0.414) GMU CS 611 Computational Methods for Genomics
(0.412) PDX CS 591 Introduction to Computer Security
(0.410) PDX CS 576 Computer Security
(0.407) GMU CS 468 Secure Programming and Systems
(0.401) SC CSCE 574 Robotics
(0.401) SC CSCE 567 Visualization Tools
(0.388) GMU CS 482 Computer Vision
(0.386) UTK COSC 483 Applied Cryptography
(0.382) Utah CS 5830 VLSI Architecture
(0.380) Utah CS 6130 Computational Statistics
(0.380) Utah CS 5130 Computational Statistics
(0.380) GMU AIT 624 Semantic Web Tools for Multimedia Applications
(0.379) PDX CS 491 Introduction to Computer Security
(0.370) Utah CS 6640 Introduction to Digital Image Processing
(0.367) GMU AIT 711 Rapid Development of Scalable Applications
(0.366) SC CSCE 547 Windows Programming
(0.365) PDX CS 410 Top: Introduction to Visual Computing
(0.361) GMU CS 425 Game Programming I
(0.359) KSU CIS 640 Software Testing Techniques
(0.358) KSU CIS 635 Introduction to Computer-Based Knowledge Systems
(0.358) Stanford CS 168 The Modern Algorithmic Toolbox
(0.355) ACM EC 0 Human Computer Interaction
(0.354) GMU CS 773 Real-Time Systems Design and Development
(0.352) GMU CS 686 Image Processing and Applications
(0.349) Utah CS 5320 Computer Vision
(0.348) Utah CS 2960 Apple Certification
(0.346) Utah CS 3100 Models of Computation
(0.346) GMU CS 667 Biometrics and Identity Management
(0.341) RPI CSCI 4380 Database Systems
(0.341) PDX CS 410 Top: Advanced Multimedia Networking
(0.339) Utah CS 6630 Visualization
(0.336) SC CSCE 355 Foundations of Computation
(0.336) SC CSCE 611 Advanced Digital Design
(0.336) Utah CS 7250 Advanced Topics in Scientific Computing
(0.336) AU CSC 600 Simulation
(0.336) GMU CS 451 Computer Graphics
(0.335) GMU AIT 500 Quantitative Foundations for Information Systems Analysis
(0.335) LSU CSC 7080 Computer Architecture
(0.334) GMU CS 477 Mobile Application Development
(0.334) GMU CS 332 Object-Oriented Software Design and Implementation
(0.325) KSU CIS 525 Telecommunications and Data Communication Systems
(0.324) GMU AIT 670 Best Practices Managing Security and Privacy for Cloud Computing
(0.320) LSU CSC 4501 Computer Networks
(0.320) PDX CS 510 Top: Introduction to Visual Computing
(0.318) UTK COSC 402 Senior Design Practicum
(0.316) GMU CS 811 Research Topics in Machine Learning and Inference
(0.316) PDX CS 567 The Wireless Web
(0.314) Utah CS 6330 Introduction to Robot Control
(0.309) GMU CS 700 Quantitative Methods and Experimental Design in Computer Science
(0.307) PDX CS 555 Software Specification & Verification
(0.307) Utah CS 5020 Software Practice II
(0.305) SC CSCE 516 Computer Networks
(0.303) SC CSCE 513 Computer Architecture
(0.303) GMU CS 530 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
(0.303) PDX CS 560 Human-Computer Interaction
(0.303) KSU CIS 101 Introduction to Computing Systems
(0.299) PDX CS 410 Top: Introduction to Performance Measurement, Modeling and Analysis
(0.299) KSU CIS 300 Data and Program Structures
(0.298) GMU CS 480 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
(0.298) PDX CS 559 Software Measurement & Models
(0.297) PDX CS 510 Advanced Multimedia Networking
(0.294) Utah CS 6380 Multi-agent Systems
(0.294) PDX CS 556 Software Implementation and Testing
(0.293) RPI CSCI 6400 Xinformatics
(0.291) Stanford CS 376 Human-Computer Interaction Research
(0.288) GMU CS 782 Machine Learning
(0.288) LSU CSC 4243 Interface Design and Technology
(0.281) KSU CIS 734 Introduction to Genomics and Bioinformatics
(0.279) KSU CIS 710 Computer Simulation Experiments
(0.278) PDX CS 580 Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis
(0.276) GMU CS 306 Synthesis of Ethics and Law for the Computing Professional
(0.274) PDX CS 552 Building Software Systems With Components
(0.272) RPI CSCI 4390 Database Mining
(0.272) Utah CS 5540 Human/Computer Interaction
(0.269) GMU CS 550 Database Systems
(0.267) LSU CSC 4890 Introduction to Theory of Computation
(0.264) KSU CIS 751 Computer and Information Security
(0.262) GMU CS 440 Language Processors and Programming Environments
(0.262) KSU CIS 580 Fundamentals of Game Programming
(0.260) RPI CSCI 4220 Network Programming
(0.259) GMU CS 426 Game Programming II
(0.259) PDX CS 467 The Wireless Web
(0.259) KSU CIS 551 Introduction to Computer and Information Security
(0.256) KSU CIS 15 Undergraduate Seminar
(0.256) SC CSCE 551 Theory of Computation
(0.256) UTK COSC 465 Databases and Scripting Languages
(0.255) GMU CS 662 Computer Graphics Game Technologies
(0.255) PDX CS 557 Functional Languages
(0.252) GMU AIT 702 Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking
(0.251) Stanford CS 1 Practical Unix
(0.247) PDX CS 510 Top: Introduction to Performance Measurement, Modeling and Analysis
(0.246) AU CSC 460 Tools of Scientific Computing
(0.245) Stanford CS 211 Content Creation in Virtual Reality
(0.244) Utah CS 5100 Foundations of Computer Science
(0.243) GMU CS 788 Autonomic Computing
(0.241) PDX CS 585 Cryptography
(0.240) KSU CIS 761 Data Base Management Systems
(0.239) PDX CS 442 Advanced Artificial Intelligence: Combinatorial Games
(0.239) Utah CS 6530 Database Systems
(0.238) ACM EC 0 Discrete Mathematics
(0.237) Utah CS 6721 Analog Integrated Circuits Lab
(0.232) SC CSCE 211 Digital Logic Design
(0.232) KSU CIS 645 Software Development Environments
(0.232) SC CSCE 102 General Applications Programming
(0.230) PDX CS 510 Top: Nonstandard Computation
(0.227) Utah CS 5720 Analog Integrated Circuit Design
(0.226) PDX CS 533 Concepts of Operating Systems
(0.226) LSU CSC 7101 Programming Language Structures
(0.224) RPI CSCI 4400 Xinformatics
(0.224) Utah CS 6230 Parallel Computing and High Performance Computing
(0.222) GMU AIT 622 Determining Needs for Complex Big Data Systems
(0.222) PDX CS 322 Languages and Compiler Design II
(0.222) KSU CIS 115 Introduction to Computing Science
(0.222) PDX CS 494 Internetworking Protocols
(0.221) GMU CS 222 Computer Programming for Engineers
(0.219) PDX CS 485 Cryptography
(0.219) RPI CSCI 6390 Database Mining
(0.216) Stanford CS 2 Introduction to Media Production
(0.215) AU CSC 535 User Interface Analysis and Design
(0.215) PDX CS 333 Introduction to Operating Systems
(0.215) ACM EC 0 Computer Graphics
(0.214) ACM EC 0 Operating Systems
(0.213) PDX CS 410 Top: Human Computer Interaction
(0.212) PDX CS 452 Building Software Systems with Components
(0.211) Utah CS 6660 Physics-based Animation
(0.210) PDX CS 510 Top: Principles of Database Systems
(0.210) PDX CS 480 Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis
(0.210) LSU CSC 4999 Advanced Independent Undergraduate Research
(0.209) PDX CS 345 Cyberculture: The Internet and Popular Culture
(0.209) ACM EC 0 Issues in Computing
(0.208) Utah CS 6170 Computational Topology
(0.208) PDX CS 542 Advanced Artificial Intelligence: Combinatorial Games
(0.207) Utah CS 3700 Fundamentals of Digital System Design
(0.206) KSU CIS 362 Introduction to Business Programming
(0.206) SC CSCE 240 Introduction to Software Engineering
(0.205) GMU CS 752 Interactive Graphics Software
(0.205) PDX CS 510 Top: Advanced Programming
(0.203) AU CSC 435 Web Programming
(0.203) Utah CS 6210 Advanced Scientific Computing I
(0.203) Stanford CS 155 Computer and Network Security (EE 287A)
(0.203) RPI CSCI 6360 Parallel Computing
(0.202) UTK COSC 425 Introduction to Machine Learning
(0.198) Utah CS 5530 Database Systems
(0.197) UTK COSC 462 Parallel Programming
(0.197) ACM EC 0 Human Aspects of Computer Science
(0.197) GMU CS 390 Research and Project Design Principles in Computing
(0.197) GMU CS 123 Computing: From the Abacus to the Web
(0.195) RPI CSCI 6140 Computer Operating Systems
(0.195) KSU CIS 530 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
(0.194) PDX CS 457 Functional Languages
(0.194) Stanford CS 190 Software Design Studio
(0.193) ACM EC 0 Computer Systems Security
(0.192) Utah CS 6620 Ray Tracing for Graphics
(0.191) PDX CS 410 Top: Introduction to Computational Biology
(0.190) PDX CS 589 Principles of Database Systems
(0.189) GMU CS 580 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
(0.189) PDX CS 410 Top: Algorithm Design & Analysis
(0.189) Utah CS 3810 Computer Organization
(0.189) RPI CSCI 4480 Robotics I
(0.188) Utah CS 7460 Distributed Operating Systems
(0.187) Stanford CS 143 Compilers
(0.187) Stanford CS 107 Computer Organization and Systems
(0.185) GMU CS 101 Preview of Computer Science
(0.185) PDX CS 486 Introduction to Database Management Systems
(0.185) GMU CS 683 Parallel Algorithms
(0.185) AU CSC 565 Operating Systems
(0.184) SC CSCE 145 Algorithmic Design I
(0.184) PDX CS 510 Top: Foundations of Database Systems
(0.184) PDX CS 553 Design Patterns
(0.183) LSU CSC 4370 Software Modeling Techniques
(0.182) PDX CS 445 Machine Learning
(0.181) Stanford CS 263 Algorithms for Modern Data Models (MS&E 317)
(0.180) RPI CSCI 2600 Principles of Software
(0.180) ACM EC 0 Human Computer Interaction
(0.179) PDX CS 575 Computer System Analysis
(0.178) PDX CS 410 Top: Network Routing and Management
(0.176) GMU CS 444 Introduction to Computational Biology
(0.176) ACM EC 0 Systems Programming
(0.175) Utah CS 6770 Advanced Digital VLSI Systems Design
(0.174) ACM EC 0 Computer Networks
(0.173) PDX CS 410 Top: Wireless Networking Concepts
(0.172) Stanford CS 327 Advanced Robotic Manipulation
(0.171) Stanford CS 373 Statistical and Machine Learning Methods for Genomics (BIO 268, BIOMEDIN 245, GENE 245, STATS 345)
(0.171) PDX CS 510 Top: Open Source Software Development in the Unix Environment
(0.171) Stanford CS 106 Standard C++ Programming Laboratory
(0.169) KSU CIS 536 Introduction to Computer Graphics
(0.168) ACM EC 0 Programming Language Design and Implementation
(0.166) Utah CS 4480 Computer Networks
(0.166) Utah CS 5340 Natural Language Processing
(0.165) GMU CS 540 Language Processors
(0.165) KSU CIS 522 Introduction to Data Structures
(0.161) ACM EC 0 Compilers
(0.161) AU CSC 493 Computer Science Capstone Project
(0.160) PDX CS 321 Languages and Compiler Design I
(0.160) PDX CS 510 Top: Dependent Type Programming
(0.157) PDX CS 410 Top: Advanced Java Programming
(0.156) GMU CS 112 Introduction to Computer Programming
(0.156) Stanford CS 194 Software Project
(0.154) ACM EC 0 Algorithms and Data Structures
(0.153) PDX CS 595 Network Routing
(0.153) Utah CS 5490 Network Security
(0.152) GMU CS 689 Planning Motions of Robots and Molecules
(0.151) GMU CS 484 Data Mining
(0.150) Stanford CS 244 Networked Wireless Systems (EE 384E)