Stanford CS 192
Programming Service Project
Course Description
Raw: Restricted to Computer Science students. Appropriate academic credit (without financial suppo
Stemmed: restrict comput scienc student academ credit financi support volunt comput program work public benef
Inferred Topics
(0.306295) comput, topic, scienc, credit, vari, section, current, repeat, interest, area
(0.878) LSU CSC 7700 Special Topics in Computer Science
(0.878) LSU CSC 2700 Special Topics in Computer Science
(0.866) GMU CS 695 Topics in Computer Science
(0.834) LSU CSC 4700 Special Topics in Computer Science
(0.821) Stanford CS 194 Software Project (WIM)
(0.812) AU CSC 396 Selected Topics: Non-Recurring
(0.812) AU CSC 596 Selected Topics: Non-Recurring
(0.812) AU CSC 696 Selected Topics: Non-Recurring
(0.812) AU CSC 296 Selected Topics: Non-Recurring
(0.770) LSU CSC 3999 Independent Undergraduate Research
(0.761) SC CSCE 590 Topics in Information Technology
(0.715) GMU CS 498 Independent Study in Computer Science
(0.690) Stanford CS 191 Writing Intensive Senior Project (WIM)
(0.677) KSU CIS 190 Undergraduate Seminar in Computing and Information Sciences
(0.674) LSU CSC 4999 Advanced Independent Undergraduate Research
(0.646) LSU CSC 7800 Computer Science Research Seminar
(0.627) GMU CS 895 Research Topics in CS
(0.619) AU CSC 589 Topics in Computer Science
(0.598) Stanford CS 181 Computers, Ethics, and Public Policy (WIM)
(0.566) Stanford CS 499 Advanced Reading and Research
(0.527) GMU CS 880 Research Topics in Artificial Intelligence
(0.492) AU CSC 689 Topics in Computer Science
(0.472) GMU CS 795 Advanced Topics in CS
(0.436) Utah CS 7250 Advanced Topics in Scientific Computing
(0.428) SC CSCE 498 Independent Study
(0.418) Stanford CS 294 Writing Intensive Research Project in Computer Science
(0.418) SC CSCE 209 Special Topics in Computer Programming
(0.375) GMU CS 818 Topics in Computer Systems
(0.353) Stanford CS 199 Independent Work
(0.329) Stanford CS 395 Independent Database Project
(0.316) LSU CSC 3991 HONORS: Undergraduate Research in Computer Science
(0.309) Utah CS 7240 Sinc Methods
(0.306) Stanford CS 192 Programming Service Project
(0.287) AU CSC 493 Computer Science Capstone Project
(0.274) PDX CS 510 Top: Advanced Topics Software Engineering
(0.259) Stanford CS 393 Computer Laboratory
(0.256) GMU CS 123 Computing: From the Abacus to the Web
(0.253) Stanford CS 191 Senior Project
(0.244) ACM EC 0 The Digital Age
(0.241) RPI CSCI 6900 Computer Science Seminar
(0.239) Utah CS 5040 Teaching Introductory Computer Science
(0.228) Stanford CS 294 Research Project in Software Systems and Security
(0.219) KSU CIS 690 Implementation Project
(0.210) UTK COSC 493 Independent Study
(0.171) GMU CS 444 Introduction to Computational Biology
(0.164) AU CSC 350 Introduction to Discrete Structures
(0.153) Utah CS 3011 Industry Forum
(0.153) Stanford CS 109 Introduction to Probability for Computer Scientists
(0.151) UTK COSC 483 Applied Cryptography
(0.243897) student, comput, work, research, program, complet, qualifi, engag, educ, lab
(0.948) Stanford CS 390 Part-time Curricular Practical Training
(0.948) Stanford CS 390 Part-Time Curricular Practical Training
(0.937) Stanford CS 390 Curricular Practical Training
(0.937) Stanford CS 390 Curricular Practical Training
(0.438) Utah CS 6945 Graduate Internship
(0.244) Stanford CS 192 Programming Service Project
(0.236) Utah CS 3710 Computer Design Laboratory
(0.165) RPI CSCI 4520 Game Development
(0.157) LSU CSC 3991 HONORS: Undergraduate Research in Computer Science
(0.183133) data, problem, state, big, set, present, law, polici, solut, practic
(0.713) GMU AIT 679 Law and Ethics of Big Data
(0.610) GMU AIT 581 Problem Formation and Solving in Big Data
(0.517) Stanford CS 204 Legal Informatics
(0.342) ACM EC 0 Computer Networks
(0.329) GMU AIT 504 Issues of Cyberspace
(0.302) Stanford CS 275 Music Query, Analysis, and Style Simulation (MUSIC 254)
(0.255) GMU AIT 582 Applications of Metadata in Complex Big Data Problems
(0.241) GMU AIT 580 Analytics: Big Data to Information
(0.204) GMU AIT 678 National Security Challenges
(0.183) LSU CSC 2533 Introduction to Engineering Computation
(0.183) Stanford CS 192 Programming Service Project
(0.169) ACM EC 0 Issues in Computing
No prerequisites registered.