PDX CS 250
Discrete Structures I
Course Description
Raw: Introduces discrete structures and techniques for computing. Sets. Graphs and trees. Functions: prop
Stemmed: introduc discret structur techniqu comput set graph tree function properti recurs definit solv recur
Inferred Topics
(0.739361) logic, mathemat, theori, proof, set, introduct, algorithm, discret, formal, relat
(0.937) UTK COSC 311 Discrete Structures
(0.934) Utah CS 2100 Discrete Structures
(0.787) LSU CSC 2259 Discrete Structures
(0.739) PDX CS 250 Discrete Structures I
(0.726) PDX CS 251 Discrete Structures II
(0.673) KSU CIS 604 Set Theory and Logic for CS
(0.668) PDX CS 510 Top: Mathematical Logic via Foundational Algorithms
(0.659) PDX CS 579 Formal Verification of Hardware/Software
(0.588) PDX CS 410 Top: Mathematical Logic via Foundational Algorithms
(0.565) AU CSC 350 Introduction to Discrete Structures
(0.510) Stanford CS 103 Mathematical Foundations of Computing
(0.439) SC CSCE 146 Algorithmic Design II
(0.426) SC CSCE 211 Digital Logic Design
(0.409) ACM EC 0 Discrete Structures I
(0.393) GMU CS 530 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
(0.354) ACM EC 0 Discrete Structures II
(0.328) KSU CIS 301 Logical Foundations of Programming
(0.320) ACM EC 0 Discrete Mathematics
(0.313) ACM KA 0 Discrete Structures (DS)
(0.306) LSU CSC 7375 Robot Vision
(0.296) RPI CSCI 2200 Foundations of Computer Science
(0.295) KSU CIS 771 Software Specification
(0.265) AU CSC 460 Tools of Scientific Computing
(0.249) ACM EC 0 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
(0.241) Utah CS 6110 Formal Methods for System Design
(0.225) UTK COSC 483 Applied Cryptography
(0.224) GMU CS 600 Theory of Computation
(0.213) PDX CS 578 Program Language Semantics
(0.184) UTK COSC 312 Algorithm Analysis and Automata
(0.177) LSU CSC 7333 Machine Learning
(0.173) GMU CS 330 Formal Methods and Models
(0.173) KSU CIS 570 Introduction to Formal Language Theory
(0.165) KSU CIS 575 Introduction to Algorithm Analysis
(0.163) Utah CS 3100 Models of Computation
(0.162) ACM EC 0 Functional Programming
(0.152) Stanford CS 109 Introduction to Probability for Computer Scientists
(0.176388) function, recurs, sequenc, higher, tree, order, gener, languag, definit, basic
(0.731) PDX CS 457 Functional Languages
(0.670) PDX CS 557 Functional Languages
(0.340) PDX CS 322 Languages and Compiler Design II
(0.290) ACM EC 0 Accelerated Introduction to Computer Science
(0.278) PDX CS 321 Languages and Compiler Design I
(0.245) ACM EC 0 Discrete Structures II
(0.233) ACM EC 0 Introduction to Program Design
(0.223) ACM EC 0 Languages and Compilers
(0.218) PDX CS 581 Theory of Computation
(0.203) KSU CIS 450 Computer Architecture and Operations
(0.197) RPI CSCI 6800 Computational Linear Algebra
(0.195) SC CSCE 611 Advanced Digital Design
(0.187) ACM EC 0 Introduction to Programming Languages
(0.176) PDX CS 250 Discrete Structures I
(0.170) PDX CS 510 Top: Advanced Cryptography
(0.168) PDX CS 510 Top: Mastery in Programming
(0.161) PDX CS 510 Top: Functional Logic Programming
(0.159) RPI CSCI 1200 Data Structures
(0.157) PDX CS 410 Top: Mastery in Programming
(0.155) Utah CS 6510 Functional Programming
(0.154) ACM EC 0 Programming Languages
No prerequisites registered.