Information Assurance and Security (IAS)
Course Description
Raw: In CS2013, the Information Assurance and Security KA is added to the Body of Knowledge in recognitio
Stemmed: inform assur secur bodi knowledg recognit world relianc inform technolog critic role comput scienc e
Inferred Topics
(0.563019) area, comput, knowledg, fundament, concept, topic, inform, import, develop, softwar
(0.563) ACM KA 0 Information Assurance and Security (IAS)
(0.475) ACM KA 0 Software Development Fundamentals (SDF)
(0.419) ACM KA 0 Systems Fundamentals (SF)
(0.379) ACM KA 0 Operating Systems (OS)
(0.366) ACM KA 0 Algorithms and Complexity (AL)
(0.366) ACM EC 0 Computer Systems Security
(0.346) ACM KA 0 Discrete Structures (DS)
(0.296) AU CSC 100 Computers and Information
(0.263) ACM KA 0 Platform-Based Development (PBD)
(0.232) ACM KA 0 Information Management (IM)
(0.223) GMU AIT 601 Foundations of Applied Information Technology
(0.209) LSU CSC 7600 High Performance Computing I
(0.190) Utah CS 5540 Human/Computer Interaction
(0.170) PDX CS 510 Top: Distributed Computing
(0.164) AU CSC 310 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
(0.160) GMU CS 687 Advanced Artificial Intelligence
(0.155) LSU CSC 2463 Programming Digital Media
No prerequisites registered.