LSU CSC 7442
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Course Description
Raw: Introduction to data mining and knowledge discovery in databases; data cleaning, statistical
Stemmed: introduct data mine knowledg discoveri databas data clean statist techniqu associ rule learn time se
Inferred Topics
(0.614327) data, mine, algorithm, larg, web, effici, techniqu, search, time, cluster
(0.748) RPI CSCI 6390 Database Mining
(0.714) Utah CS 6140 Data Mining
(0.695) RPI CSCI 4390 Database Mining
(0.644) Utah CS 5140 Data Mining
(0.619) Stanford CS 276 Information Retrieval and Web Search (LINGUIST 286)
(0.614) LSU CSC 7442 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
(0.588) GMU CS 674 Data Mining on Multimedia Data
(0.573) LSU CSC 4740 Big Data Technologies
(0.495) GMU CS 657 Mining Massive Datasets with MapReduce
(0.470) GMU CS 584 Theory and Applications of Data Mining
(0.321) Stanford CS 341 Project in Mining Massive Data Sets
(0.301) Stanford CS 263 Algorithms for Modern Data Models (MS&E 317)
(0.262) GMU CS 484 Data Mining
(0.190) LSU CSC 2730 Data Science and Analytics
(0.173) GMU CS 504 Principles of Data Management and Mining
(0.159) GMU AIT 582 Applications of Metadata in Complex Big Data Problems
(0.163893) visual, data, cut, edg, spatial, analysi, deep, rang, text, effect
(0.625) Utah CS 6630 Visualization
(0.561) Utah CS 5630 Visualization
(0.408) Stanford CS 371 Computational Biology in Four Dimensions (CME 371)
(0.164) LSU CSC 7442 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
No prerequisites registered.