Utah CS 6100
Foundations of Computer Science
Course Description
Raw: Meets with CS 5100. Graduate students only. Extra work required.
Stemmed: meet graduat student extra work requir
Inferred Topics
(0.808967) graduat, work, student, requir, meet, extra, time, honor, school, depart
(0.832) Utah CS 6150 Advanced Algorithms
(0.832) Utah CS 6160 Computational Geometry
(0.809) Utah CS 6830 VLSI Architecture
(0.809) Utah CS 6750 Synthesis and Verification of Asynchronous VLSI Systems
(0.809) Utah CS 6740 Computer-Aided Design of Digital Circuits
(0.809) Utah CS 6720 Analog Integrated Circuit Design
(0.809) Utah CS 6610 Interactive Computer Graphics
(0.809) Utah CS 6540 Human/Computer Interaction
(0.809) Utah CS 6350 Machine Learning
(0.809) Utah CS 6100 Foundations of Computer Science
(0.779) Utah CS 6460 Operating Systems
(0.674) Utah CS 6300 Artificial Intelligence
(0.296) Utah CS 4998 Honors Project Thesis
(0.214) Utah CS 5020 Software Practice II
(0.176) Utah CS 6780 Embedded System Design
(0.171) Utah CS 5010 Software Practice
(0.162) Stanford CS 499 Advanced Reading and Research
(0.161) Utah CS 6020 Conducting, Publishing, and Presenting Early-Career Research