LSU Computer Science
Course List
# | Number | Title |
1 | 1100 | Computers in Society |
Introduction to computers, their applications and impact on people and social institutions;
introduct comput applic impact peopl social institut internet mail new group ftp telnet world wide w
2 | 1200 | Ethics in Computing |
Introduction to ethics theory, ethical decision-making as it relates to the computing profes
introduct ethic theori ethic decis make relat comput profession licens intellectu properti conflict
3 | 1240 | Statistics and Graphics with MATLAB |
Introduction to MATLAB programming with applications in statistics and graphics.
introduct matlab program applic statist graphic
4 | 1250 | Introduction to Programming |
Fundamentals of problem solving, program design, algorithms and programming using a high-level
fundament problem solv program design algorithm program high level languag
5 | 1253 | Computer Science I with C++ |
Fundamentals of algorithm development, program design and structured programming using an ob
fundament algorithm develop program design structur program object orient languag
6 | 1254 | Computer Science II with C++ |
Develops solutions to problems using an object-oriented approach and emphasizes the concepts
develop solut problem object orient approach emphas concept recurs dynam memori data structur list s
7 | 1350 | Computer Science I for Majors |
Fundamentals of algorithm development, program design and structured programming using an ob
fundament algorithm develop program design structur program object orient languag
8 | 1351 | Computer Science II for Majors |
Develops solutions to problems using an object-oriented approach and emphasizes the concepts
develop solut problem object orient approach emphas concept recurs dynam memori data structur list s
9 | 2259 | Discrete Structures |
Set algebra including mappings and relations; algebraic structures including semigroups and g
set algebra includ map relat algebra structur includ semigroup group element theori direct undirect
10 | 2262 | Numerical Methods |
Computer- oriented methods for solving numerical problems in science and engineering; numeri
comput orient method solv numer problem scienc engin numer solut system simultan linear equat nonlin
11 | 2463 | Programming Digital Media |
Programming concepts motivated by digital media applications: real-time graphics, audio proce
program concept motiv digit media applic real time graphic audio process simpl hardwar devic integr
12 | 2533 | Introduction to Engineering Computation |
Problem solving techniques and structured programming tools for engineering synthesis and a
problem solv techniqu structur program tool engin synthesi analysi applic symbol solver technic comp
13 | 2610 | Cloud Fundamentals & Web Programming |
Characteristics, theory and fundamentals of cloud computing and related technologies; cloud t
characterist theori fundament cloud comput relat technolog cloud type servic architectur principl ap
14 | 2700 | Special Topics in Computer Science |
May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary. Specialized areas of current i
max credit topic vari special area current interest comput scienc
15 | 2730 | Data Science and Analytics |
Effective and efficient strategies for data capture; the relational database model, queries,
effect effici strategi data captur relat databas model queri web program data mine data wareh proces
16 | 3102 | Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis |
Description and utilization of formal ADT representations, especially those on lists, sets an
descript util formal adt represent list set graph time space analysi recurs nonrecurs algorithm incl
17 | 3380 | Object Oriented Design |
Advanced object oriented software development; emphasis on the use of the unified modeling la
advanc object orient softwar develop emphasi unifi model languag design tool
18 | 3501 | Computer Organization and Design |
Computer arithmetic, design of high-speed adders and multipliers, CPU concepts, instruction
comput arithmet design high speed adder multipli cpu concept instruct fetch decod hardwir control mi
19 | 3991 | HONORS: Undergraduate Research in Computer Science |
Individual research on problems in computer science.
individu research problem comput scienc
20 | 3992 | HONORS: Undergraduate Thesis in Computer Science |
Writing and formal defense of a research thesis in computer science. Defense committee of thr
write formal defens research thesi comput scienc defens committe faculti member approv depart
21 | 3999 | Independent Undergraduate Research |
May be taken for a max. of 4 hrs. of credit. Individual readings, conferences and program dev
max credit individu read confer program develop comput scienc
22 | 4101 | Programming Languages |
Principles of programming language design; specification of syntax and semantics; underlying
principl program languag design specif syntax semant underli implement block structur languag dynam
23 | 4103 | Operating Systems |
Design techniques, process management, processor scheduling; deadlocks, memory management, se
design techniqu process manag processor schedul deadlock memori manag secondari memori manag file ma
24 | 4243 | Interface Design and Technology |
Human-computer interaction provides the bridges across which humans engage with computation.
human comput interact bridg human engag comput overview experi design interfac program design projec
25 | 4263 | Video Game Design |
The essentials of video game design and implementation, including planning, graphics, sound,
essenti video game design implement includ plan graphic sound program test focu semest long small te
26 | 4304 | Systems Programming |
Batch process systems programs, their components, operating characteristics, user services an
batch process system program compon oper characterist user servic limit implement techniqu parallel
27 | 4330 | Software Systems Development |
Software requirements analysis; design representation, programming methodologies; verificatio
softwar requir analysi design represent program methodolog verif valid mainten softwar plan
28 | 4351 | Compiler Construction |
Program language structures, translation, loading, execution and storage allocation; compilat
program languag structur translat load execut storag alloc compil simpl express statement organ comp
29 | 4370 | Software Modeling Techniques |
Examination of modern modeling techniques for complex/high quality software including static/
examin modern model techniqu complex high qualiti softwar includ static dynam softwar model project
30 | 4402 | Introduction to Database Management Systems |
Network, hierarchical, relational and entity-relationship models; data definition, manipulati
network hierarch relat entiti relationship model data definit manipul languag convers model relat da
31 | 4444 | Artificial Intelligence |
Theorem proving and inferencing techniques, production systems, knowledge representation, app
theorem prove inferenc techniqu product system knowledg represent approxim reason nonmonoton reason
32 | 4501 | Computer Networks |
Introduction to local, metropolitan and wide area networks using the standard OSI reference m
introduct local metropolitan wide area network standard osi refer model framework introduct internet
33 | 4512 | Optimization: Modeling Approaches, Algorithms and Applications |
Optimization as a modeling tool with emphasis on modeling approaches, fundamental algorithms
optim model tool emphasi model approach fundament algorithm applic divers domain
34 | 4610 | Cloud Systems and Virtualization |
Advanced problems and challenges in defining, developing, and building a cloud system; virtua
advanc problem challeng defin develop build cloud system virtual open sourc comput provis fair relia
35 | 4700 | Special Topics in Computer Science |
May be taken for a max. of 9 cr. hrs. when topics vary. Total hrs. earned in CSC 2700 and 470
max topic vari total earn csc exce special area current interest comput scienc
36 | 4740 | Big Data Technologies |
Advanced analytics and management techniques applied to large-scale datasets; Hadoop/MapReduc
advanc analyt manag techniqu appli larg scale dataset hadoop mapreduc nosql cloud technolog appli da
37 | 4890 | Introduction to Theory of Computation |
Introduction to finite automata, regular expressions and languages; push-down automata and co
introduct finit automata regular express languag push automata context free languag select advanc la
38 | 4999 | Advanced Independent Undergraduate Research |
May be taken for a max. of 4 hrs. of credit. Individual readings, conferences and program dev
max credit individu read confer program develop comput scienc
39 | 7080 | Computer Architecture |
Background in electronics not required. Functional architecture of modern digital computer syst
background electron requir function architectur modern digit comput system detail descript instruct
40 | 7101 | Programming Language Structures |
Advanced study of data specification, storage management and control in programming languages
advanc studi data specif storag manag control program languag includ coverag formal specif languag l
41 | 7103 | Advanced Operating Systems |
Concurrent programming: shared memory, communication and operation-oriented models; concurren
concurr program share memori commun oper orient model concurr distribut network program distribut op
42 | 7135 | Software Engineering |
Formal specification techniques, design techniques, abstraction, information hiding, modulari
formal specif techniqu design techniqu abstract inform hide modular softwar test autom test tool mai
43 | 7150 | Program Analysis and Model Checking |
CSC 4890 or CSC 7101 or equivalent. Automata on infinite objects; Buechi Automata; Muller
csc csc equival automata infinit object buechi automata muller automata rabin automata safeti live p
44 | 7300 | Algorithm Design and Analysis |
Characteristics of an algorithm; problems of algorithm existence; the design, implementation an
characterist algorithm problem algorithm exist design implement complex algorithm algorithm case stu
45 | 7333 | Machine Learning |
Fundamental principles of machine learning; inductive learning; explanation-based learning; c
fundament principl machin learn induct learn explan base learn comput approach boolean function lear
46 | 7351 | Advanced Compiler Design Theory |
Automatic generation of LL (1), LR (1), LALR (1) parsers, syntax directed translation of high
automat gener lalr parser syntax direct translat high level control structur error recoveri optim br
47 | 7375 | Robot Vision |
Computational aspects of vision; utilization of techniques from computational geometry, combi
comput aspect vision util techniqu comput geometri combinator probabl theori artifici intellig visua
48 | 7402 | Data Base Management Systems |
Implementation of database systems (physical model and its mapping to conceptual model); data
implement databas system physic model map conceptu model data structur influenc perform concurr cont
49 | 7442 | Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery |
Introduction to data mining and knowledge discovery in databases; data cleaning, statistical
introduct data mine knowledg discoveri databas data clean statist techniqu associ rule learn time se
50 | 7443 | Scientific Information Visualization |
Study of computer visualization principles, techniques and tools used for explaining and unde
studi comput visual principl techniqu tool explain understand inform includ visual algorithm techniq
51 | 7444 | Advanced Artificial Intelligence |
Temporal and nonmonotonic logic; truth maintenance systems; probabilistic reasoning; deductiv
tempor nonmonoton logic truth mainten system probabilist reason deduct databas autom learn plan tuto
52 | 7481 | Information Retrieval Systems |
Topics include commercially available retrieval systems, text content analysis, query proces
topic includ commerci retriev system text content analysi queri process model current research probl
53 | 7540 | Distributed Systems |
Networking and inter-networking; client-server model; remote procedure calls; processes and p
network inter network client server model remot procedur call process processor distribut system dis
54 | 7600 | High Performance Computing I |
Fundamental computational techniques required for scientific computing; important algorithms
fundament comput techniqu requir scientif comput import algorithm parallel comput high perform compu
55 | 7601 | Design Issues in High-Speed Networks: Multicast, Pricing and Control |
Multicasting architectures, protocols and applications; ATM and Internet solutions; scalable
multicast architectur protocol applic atm internet solut scalabl reliabl multicast distribut sensor
56 | 7602 | Wireless Networks |
Radio systems and ad-hoc wireless networks; relevant concepts in terms of mobility, migration
radio system hoc wireless network relev concept term mobil migrat servic level impact system design
57 | 7700 | Special Topics in Computer Science |
May be taken for a max. of 12 hrs. of credit when topics vary. Specialized areas of current int
max credit topic vari special area current interest comput scienc
58 | 7701 | Sensor Networking Concepts |
Self-organizing sensor networks; querying, and data aggregation; routing; energy-efficient co
organ sensor network queri data aggreg rout energi effici commun protocol sensor network secur
59 | 7800 | Computer Science Research Seminar |
May be taken for a max. of 2 hrs. of credit when topics vary. Student presentations and discussi
max credit topic vari student present discuss research topic comput scienc