GMU Computer Science
Course List
# | Number | Title |
1 | 100 | Principles of Computing |
This course is intended to help students learn to think in the manner necessary to fully grasp the n
intend student learn manner fulli grasp natur power digit world earli era internet person comput led
2 | 101 | Preview of Computer Science |
Offers a broad overview of computer science designed to provide students with an introduction to the
offer broad overview comput scienc design provid student introduct field comput scienc orient comput
3 | 105 | Computer Ethics and Society |
Intensive introduction to legal, social, and ethical issues surrounding software development and com
intens introduct legal social ethic issu surround softwar develop comput stress profession conduct s
4 | 112 | Introduction to Computer Programming |
Rigorous introduction to problem solving through development of computer programs. Focuses on identi
rigor introduct problem solv develop comput program focus identifi algorithm pattern problem describ
5 | 123 | Computing: From the Abacus to the Web |
Discusses the underlying computer science concepts behind existing and emerging technologies (such a
discuss underli comput scienc concept exist emerg technolog mail internet search engin blog comput g
6 | 211 | Object-Oriented Programming |
Thorough treatment of programming according to object-oriented principles. Introduces classes, inter
treatment program object orient principl introduc class interfac inherit polymorph singl dispatch me
7 | 222 | Computer Programming for Engineers |
Introduces object-oriented programming and elementary data structures. Emphasis on problems and lang
introduc object orient program elementari data structur emphasi problem languag featur relev engin
8 | 225 | Culture and Theory of Games |
Explores the theory, history, culture, and lore of games with particular emphasis on the varieties o
explor theori histori cultur lore game emphasi varieti comput game environ
9 | 261 | Introduction to a Second Language |
Advanced programming using Java programming language. Other languages may be offered at times.
advanc program java program languag languag offer time
10 | 262 | Introduction to Low-Level Programming |
Introduction to the language C, as well as operating system concepts, in UNIX, to prepare students f
introduct languag oper system concept unix prepar student topic system program
11 | 306 | Synthesis of Ethics and Law for the Computing Professional |
Practical course to become effective computer professional. Examines legal and ethical issues surrou
practic effect comput profession examin legal ethic issu surround comput technolog foundat build dea
12 | 310 | Data Structures |
Focuses on object-oriented programming with an emphasis on tools and techniques for developing moder
focus object orient program emphasi tool techniqu develop moder larg program topic includ implement
13 | 321 | Software Requirements and Design Modeling |
An introduction to concepts, methods, and tools for the creation of large-scale software systems. Me
introduct concept method tool creation larg scale softwar system method tool notat valid techniqu an
14 | 325 | Introduction to Game Design |
Game design, in various electronic entertainment technologies, involves a diverse set of skills and
game design electron entertain technolog involv divers set skill background narr art comput program
15 | 330 | Formal Methods and Models |
Abstract concepts that underlie much advanced work in computer science, with major emphasis on forma
abstract concept underli advanc work comput scienc major emphasi formal languag model comput logic p
16 | 332 | Object-Oriented Software Design and Implementation |
In-depth study of software design and implementation using a modern, object-oriented language with s
depth studi softwar design implement modern object orient languag support graphic user interfac comp
17 | 351 | Visual Computing |
Focuses on programming essential mathematical and geometric concepts underlying computer graphics. C
focus program essenti mathemat geometr concept underli comput graphic cover fundament topic comput g
18 | 367 | Computer Systems and Programming |
Introduces students to computer systems from a programmer's perspective. Topics include data represe
introduc student comput system programm perspect topic includ data represent assembl machin level re
19 | 390 | Research and Project Design Principles in Computing |
This course introduces students to the research and project design process within the computing fiel
introduc student research project design process comput field student learn tool trade work design p
20 | 391 | Advanced Programming Lab |
Programming-intensive lab course. Students refine problem-solving and programming skills while gaini
program intens lab student refin problem solv program skill gain experi teamwork focus data structur
21 | 425 | Game Programming I |
Introduction to technologies and techniques used in modern computer games. Teams will explore the va
introduct technolog techniqu modern comput game team explor facet complet design sophist tool includ
22 | 426 | Game Programming II |
Project-orientated continuation of CS 425 with an emphasis on the implementation of a complete game.
project orient continu emphasi implement complet game
23 | 440 | Language Processors and Programming Environments |
Survey of basic programming language processors and software development tools such as assemblers, i
survei basic program languag processor softwar develop tool assembl interpret compil topic includ de
24 | 444 | Introduction to Computational Biology |
Introduces computational methods in molecular biology. Covers a broad array of topics in bioinformat
introduc comput method molecular biologi cover broad arrai topic bioinformat comput biologi organ we
25 | 445 | Computational Methods for Genomics |
Fundamental principles and techniques for implementing computational algorithms to solve problems in
fundament principl techniqu implement comput algorithm solv problem biologi aris process larg volum
26 | 450 | Database Concepts |
Covers basics to intermediate knowledge for the design, implementation, and use of relational databa
cover basic intermedi knowledg design implement relat databas system topic includ entiti relationshi
27 | 451 | Computer Graphics |
Basic graphics principles and programming. Topics include scan conversion, transformation, viewing,
basic graphic principl program topic includ scan convers transform view light blend textur map advan
28 | 455 | Computer Communications and Networking |
Data communications and networking protocols, with study organized to follow layers of Internet Prot
data commun network protocol studi organ follow layer internet protocol suit tcp famili protocol top
29 | 463 | Comparative Programming Languages |
Key programming mechanisms described independently of particular machines or languages, including co
kei program mechan independ machin languag includ control bind procedur abstract type concurr includ
30 | 465 | Computer Systems Architecture |
Computer subsystems and instruction set architectures. Single-cycle, multiple-cycle, and pipeline ar
comput subsystem instruct set architectur singl cycl multipl cycl pipelin architectur memori hierarc
31 | 468 | Secure Programming and Systems |
Fundamental principles and techniques for implementing secure computer systems. Topics include secur
fundament principl techniqu implement secur comput system topic includ secur cryptographi basic vuln
32 | 469 | Security Engineering |
Covers the software subsystems that are involved in defending computer systems. Studies threats and
cover softwar subsystem involv defend comput system studi threat architect solut includ limit access
33 | 471 | Operating Systems |
Issues in multiprogramming. Covers concurrent processes and synchronization mechanisms; processor sc
issu multiprogram cover concurr process synchron mechan processor schedul memori file deadlock manag
34 | 475 | Concurrent and Distributed Systems |
Practical issues in designing and implementing concurrent and distributed software. Topics include c
practic issu design implement concurr distribut softwar topic includ concurr program synchron multit
35 | 477 | Mobile Application Development |
This project based course will teach fundamental principles of software development for the mobile d
project base teach fundament principl softwar develop mobil devic environ emphas applic numer academ
36 | 480 | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence |
Principles and methods for knowledge representation, reasoning, learning, problem solving, planning,
principl method knowledg represent reason learn problem solv plan heurist search natur languag proce
37 | 482 | Computer Vision |
Basic principles of visual perception and their implementation on computer systems. Topics include e
basic principl visual percept implement comput system topic includ earli visual process edg detect s
38 | 483 | Analysis of Algorithms |
Analyzes computational resources for important problem types by alternative algorithms and their ass
analyz comput resourc import problem type altern algorithm data structur mathemat rigor techniqu spe
39 | 484 | Data Mining |
Basic principles and methods for data analysis and knowledge discovery. Emphasizes developing basic
basic principl method data analysi knowledg discoveri emphas develop basic skill model predict perfo
40 | 485 | Autonomous Robotics |
Covers various basic topics in autonomous robotics, such as autonomous architectures and their inter
cover basic topic autonom robot autonom architectur interact physic hardwar elementari kinemat robot
41 | 490 | Design Exhibition |
Capstone course focusing on design and successful implementation of major software project, encompas
capston focus design success implement major softwar project encompass broad spectrum knowledg skill
42 | 498 | Independent Study in Computer Science |
Research and analysis of selected problems or topics in computer science. Topic must be arranged wit
research analysi select problem topic comput scienc topic arrang instructor approv depart chair regi
43 | 504 | Principles of Data Management and Mining |
Techniques to store, manage, and use data including databases, relational model, schemas, queries an
techniqu store manag data includ databas relat model schema queri transact line transact process dat
44 | 530 | Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science |
This course focuses on the topics of basic mathematical structures, mathematical logic and probabili
focus topic basic mathemat structur mathemat logic probabl theori applic concept problem solv formal
45 | 531 | Fundamentals of Systems Programming |
Introduces systems and network programming for UNIX and Windows using lectures and hands-on labs. Co
introduc system network program unix window lectur hand lab cover ansi program system librari api fo
46 | 540 | Language Processors |
Basic programming language processors such as assemblers, interpreters, and compilers. Topics includ
basic program languag processor assembl interpret compil topic includ design construct languag proce
47 | 550 | Database Systems |
An introduction to database management with focus on architecting databases and using them in applic
introduct databas manag focu architect databas applic topic cover includ data model entiti relations
48 | 551 | Computer Graphics |
Graphics principles and programming. Topics include graphics hardware, antialiasing, transformations
graphic principl program topic includ graphic hardwar antialias transform view illumin blend textur
49 | 555 | Computer Communications and Networking |
Techniques and systems for communication of data between computational devices and layers of Interne
techniqu system commun data comput devic layer internet protocol suit topic includ role media softwa
50 | 571 | Operating Systems |
Models of operating systems. Major functions including processes, memory management, I/O, interproce
model oper system major function includ process memori manag interprocess commun file directori shel
51 | 580 | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence |
Principles and methods for knowledge representation, reasoning, learning, problem solving, planning,
principl method knowledg represent reason learn problem solv plan heurist search natur languag proce
52 | 583 | Analysis of Algorithms |
Topics include analyzing sequential and parallel algorithmic strategies such as greedy methods, divi
topic includ analyz sequenti parallel algorithm strategi greedi method divid conquer strategi dynam
53 | 584 | Theory and Applications of Data Mining |
Concepts and techniques in data mining and multidisciplinary applications. Topics include databases;
concept techniqu data mine multidisciplinari applic topic includ databas data clean transform concep
54 | 600 | Theory of Computation |
Introduction to logic and proof techniques, formal languages, automata theory, and computational com
introduct logic proof techniqu formal languag automata theori comput complex specif topic includ reg
55 | 611 | Computational Methods for Genomics |
Covers fundamental principles and techniques for implementing computational algorithms to solve prob
cover fundament principl techniqu implement comput algorithm solv problem biologi aris process larg
56 | 630 | Advanced Algorithms |
Provides an overview of advanced algorithm design and analysis techniques. Topics include algorithms
overview advanc algorithm design analysi techniqu topic includ algorithm hash tabl matrix oper numbe
57 | 633 | Computational Geometry |
Basic principles and methods for computing in field of geometric modeling. Emphasizes data structure
basic principl method comput field geometr model emphas data structur repres geometr object algorith
58 | 635 | Foundations of Parallel Computation |
Covers three major parallel computing paradigms: MIMD computation, SIMD computation, and data flow c
cover major parallel comput paradigm mimd comput simd comput data flow comput emphas interfac algori
59 | 640 | Advanced Compilers |
Examines advanced compiler techniques such as code optimizations for sequential and parallel machine
examin advanc compil techniqu code optim sequenti parallel machin compil logic function object orien
60 | 650 | Advanced Database Management |
Study of the internal architecture of database systems. Topics include: physical data organization
studi intern architectur databas system topic includ physic data organ index queri process optim tra
61 | 657 | Mining Massive Datasets with MapReduce |
Covers the techniques to mine large datasets, including Distributed File Systems and Map-Reduce, sim
cover techniqu mine larg dataset includ distribut file system map reduc similar search data stream p
62 | 658 | Networked Virtual Environments |
Topics covered in lecture are: networked virtual environment overview, networking technology, networ
topic cover lectur network virtual environ overview network technolog network multimedia concept vir
63 | 662 | Computer Graphics Game Technologies |
Addresses some graphics game techniques including collision detection, levels of detail, physics-bas
address graphic game techniqu includ collis detect level detail physic base simul textur map shadow
64 | 667 | Biometrics and Identity Management |
Basic principles and methods for automatic authentication of individuals. Technologies include face,
basic principl method automat authent individu technolog includ face fingerprint iri recognit speake
65 | 672 | Computer System Performance Evaluation |
Theory and practice of analytical models of computer systems. Topics include open and closed multicl
theori practic analyt model comput system topic includ open close multiclass queu network singl mult
66 | 673 | Multimedia Computing and Systems |
Focuses on technological and development environments in developing multimedia applications. Project
focus technolog develop environ develop multimedia applic project involv experi multimedia author to
67 | 674 | Data Mining on Multimedia Data |
Covers advanced techniques for managing, searching, and mining of various types of data such as text
cover advanc techniqu manag search mine type data text web link imag time seri video audio issu rela
68 | 675 | Distributed Systems |
Issues in design and implementation of distributed systems and applications. Topics include distribu
issu design implement distribut system applic topic includ distribut commun paradigm middlewar coord
69 | 681 | Designing Expert Systems |
Design, construction, and evaluation of software systems that solve problems generally deemed to req
design construct evalu softwar system solv problem gener deem requir human expertis focus studi rele
70 | 682 | Computer Vision |
Study of computational models of visual perception and their implementation in computer systems. Top
studi comput model visual percept implement comput system topic includ earli visual process edg dete
71 | 683 | Parallel Algorithms |
Examines design and analysis of parallel algorithms. Material focuses on algorithms for both theoret
examin design analysi parallel algorithm materi focus algorithm theoret practic model parallel compu
72 | 684 | Graph Algorithms |
Data structures and analytical techniques to study graph algorithms. Data structures include disjoin
data structur analyt techniqu studi graph algorithm data structur includ disjoint set heap dynam tre
73 | 685 | Autonomous Robotics |
Reviews developments in intelligent autonomous systems. Studies applications of artificial intellige
review develop intellig autonom system studi applic artifici intellig comput vision machin learn rob
74 | 686 | Image Processing and Applications |
Concepts and techniques in image processing. Discusses methods for image capture, transformation, en
concept techniqu imag process discuss method imag captur transform enhanc restor encod student compl
75 | 687 | Advanced Artificial Intelligence |
Explores foundational issues of artificial intelligence, such as roles of knowledge and search, form
explor foundat issu artifici intellig role knowledg search formal knowledg infer symbol versu emerg
76 | 688 | Pattern Recognition |
Explores statistical pattern recognition and neural networks. Pattern recognition topics include Bay
explor statist pattern recognit neural network pattern recognit topic includ bayesian classif decis
77 | 689 | Planning Motions of Robots and Molecules |
Covers topics from artificial intelligence, algorithms and databases. Presents algorithms that model
cover topic artifici intellig algorithm databas present algorithm model simul physic biolog system f
78 | 695 | Topics in Computer Science |
Special topics in computer science not occurring in regular computer science sequence.
special topic comput scienc occur regular comput scienc sequenc
79 | 697 | Independent Reading and Research |
Students may undertake a course of study under supervision of consenting faculty member. Students us
student undertak studi supervis consent faculti member student submit written statement content tent
80 | 700 | Quantitative Methods and Experimental Design in Computer Science |
Integrated treatment of models and practices in experimental computer science. Topics include scient
integr treatment model practic experiment comput scienc topic includ scientif method appli comput wo
81 | 706 | Concurrent Software Systems |
Topics include concurrent programming languages and constructs, and specification, design, verificat
topic includ concurr program languag construct specif design verif valid concurr program student req
82 | 719 | Scalable Internet Services |
Discusses, from quantitative point of view, characteristics of most important technologies used to s
discuss quantit point view characterist import technolog support implement busi site includ topic ha
83 | 752 | Interactive Graphics Software |
Advanced graphics methods and tools. Topics include visualization, modeling, rendering, animation, s
advanc graphic method tool topic includ visual model render anim simul virtual realiti graphic softw
84 | 755 | Advanced Computer Networks |
Current and emerging issues in advanced computer networks and applications. Topics include software
current emerg issu advanc comput network applic topic includ softwar system packet cell switch netwo
85 | 756 | Performance Analysis of Computer Networks |
Analytical and simulation techniques for modeling and analyzing computer networks. Examines elementa
analyt simul techniqu model analyz comput network examin elementari queu analysi network queue rout
86 | 773 | Real-Time Systems Design and Development |
Real-time systems and principles supporting design and implementation. Emphasizes fundamental result
real time system principl support design implement emphas fundament result real time schedul theori
87 | 774 | Computational Vision |
Studies recent advances in development of machine vision algorithms and knowledge-based vision syste
studi recent advanc develop machin vision algorithm knowledg base vision system topic includ scalesp
88 | 775 | Advanced Pattern Recognition |
Covers statistical pattern recognition, neural network, and statistical learning theory approaches.
cover statist pattern recognit neural network statist learn theori approach topic includ decis theor
89 | 777 | Human-Computer Intelligent Interaction |
Current and emerging issues in human-computer intelligent interaction, and human-centered systems an
current emerg issu human comput intellig interact human center system applic topic includ video proc
90 | 779 | Topics in Resilient and Secure Computer Systems |
Covers study of alternate computer security, including how these methods can be combined in a layere
cover studi altern comput secur includ method combin layer defens factor affect select architectur r
91 | 782 | Machine Learning |
Surveys machine learning concerning development of intelligent adaptive systems that are able to imp
survei machin learn develop intellig adapt system improv learn input data problem solv experi topic
92 | 787 | Decision Guidance Systems |
Decision-guidance systems support an iterative process of giving actionable recommendations to and e
decis guidanc system support iter process give action recommend extract feedback human decis maker g
93 | 788 | Autonomic Computing |
Studies self-managing, self-optimizing, self-configuring, self-tuning, self-healing, and self-protec
studi manag optim configur tune heal protect comput system analyz exampl autonom system techniqu des
94 | 795 | Advanced Topics in CS |
Advanced topics not occurring in regular sequence.
advanc topic occur regular sequenc
95 | 798 | Project Seminar |
Master's degree candidates undertake a project using knowledge gained in MS program.
master degre candid undertak project knowledg gain program
96 | 799 | Thesis |
Original or expository work evaluated by committee of three faculty members.
origin expositori work evalu committe faculti member
97 | 800 | Computer Science Colloquium |
Students are required to attend colloquia including talks by distinguished speakers, faculty candida
student requir attend colloquia includ talk distinguish speaker faculti candid mason faculti
98 | 811 | Research Topics in Machine Learning and Inference |
Presents unifying principles that underlie diverse methods, paradigms, and approaches to machine ear
present unifi principl underli divers method paradigm approach machin earn infer review learn infer
99 | 818 | Topics in Computer Systems |
Discussion of current research topics in computer systems. Topics vary according to faculty interest
discuss current research topic comput system topic vari faculti interest topic includ peer peer comp
100 | 880 | Research Topics in Artificial Intelligence |
Special topics in artificial intelligence not occurring in regular computer science sequence. Notes:
special topic artifici intellig occur regular comput scienc sequenc note requir substanti student pa
101 | 884 | Advanced Topics in Computer Vision and Robotics |
Covers recent developments. Topics motivated by applications to autonomous robotic systems, mobile r
cover recent develop topic motiv applic autonom robot system mobil robot navig multirobot system hum
102 | 895 | Research Topics in CS |
Advanced topics not occurring in regular sequence.
advanc topic occur regular sequenc
103 | 896 | Directed Reading and Research |
Reading and research on a specific topic under the direction of a faculty member.
read research specif topic direct faculti member
104 | 990 | Dissertation Topic Presentation |
Students put together a professional presentation of a research proposal and present it for critique
student put profession present research propos present critiqu fellow student interest faculti equiv
105 | 998 | Doctoral Dissertation Proposal |
Work on a research proposal that forms the basis for a doctoral dissertation.
work research propos form basi doctor dissert
106 | 999 | Doctoral Dissertation |
Dissertation research under the supervision of the dissertation director.
dissert research supervis dissert director