# Number Title Knowledge Areas Ground Truth Percent Jaccard
1 1100 Computers in Society SP None. N/A N/A
2 1200 Ethics in Computing SP None. N/A N/A
3 1240 Statistics and Graphics with MATLAB IM, AL, CN None. N/A N/A
4 1250 Introduction to Programming IM, AL, CN None. N/A N/A
5 1253 Computer Science I with C++ IM, AL, CN None. N/A N/A
6 1254 Computer Science II with C++ IM, AL, CN None. N/A N/A
7 1350 Computer Science I for Majors IM, AL, CN None. N/A N/A
8 1351 Computer Science II for Majors IM, AL, CN None. N/A N/A
9 2259 Discrete Structures DS None. N/A N/A
10 2262 Numerical Methods None. None. N/A N/A
11 2463 Programming Digital Media IM, AR, IAS, PBD, SF, AL, DS, OS, SDF None. N/A N/A
12 2533 Introduction to Engineering Computation IM, AL, CN None. N/A N/A
13 2610 Cloud Fundamentals & Web Programming CN None. N/A N/A
14 2700 Special Topics in Computer Science None. None. N/A N/A
15 2730 Data Science and Analytics IM, AL, CN None. N/A N/A
16 3102 Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis SE None. N/A N/A
17 3380 Object Oriented Design SE None. N/A N/A
18 3501 Computer Organization and Design IM, AL, CN None. N/A N/A
19 3991 HONORS: Undergraduate Research in Computer Science IM, AL, CN None. N/A N/A
20 3992 HONORS: Undergraduate Thesis in Computer Science None. None. N/A N/A
21 3999 Independent Undergraduate Research None. None. N/A N/A
22 4101 Programming Languages None. None. N/A N/A
23 4103 Operating Systems SF, OS None. N/A N/A
24 4243 Interface Design and Technology HCI None. N/A N/A
25 4263 Video Game Design None. None. N/A N/A
26 4304 Systems Programming AR, OS, SF None. N/A N/A
27 4330 Software Systems Development IM, SE, AL, CN None. N/A N/A
28 4351 Compiler Construction None. None. N/A N/A
29 4370 Software Modeling Techniques SE None. N/A N/A
30 4402 Introduction to Database Management Systems IM None. N/A N/A
31 4444 Artificial Intelligence IS None. N/A N/A
32 4501 Computer Networks None. None. N/A N/A
33 4512 Optimization: Modeling Approaches, Algorithms and Applications None. None. N/A N/A
34 4610 Cloud Systems and Virtualization SE, HCI None. N/A N/A
35 4700 Special Topics in Computer Science None. None. N/A N/A
36 4740 Big Data Technologies None. None. N/A N/A
37 4890 Introduction to Theory of Computation None. None. N/A N/A
38 4999 Advanced Independent Undergraduate Research None. None. N/A N/A
39 7080 Computer Architecture None. None. N/A N/A
40 7101 Programming Language Structures None. None. N/A N/A
41 7103 Advanced Operating Systems SF, OS None. N/A N/A
42 7135 Software Engineering SE None. N/A N/A
43 7150 Program Analysis and Model Checking None. None. N/A N/A
44 7300 Algorithm Design and Analysis AR None. N/A N/A
45 7333 Machine Learning DS None. N/A N/A
46 7351 Advanced Compiler Design Theory None. None. N/A N/A
47 7375 Robot Vision DS, IS, CN None. N/A N/A
48 7402 Data Base Management Systems IM None. N/A N/A
49 7442 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery None. None. N/A N/A
50 7443 Scientific Information Visualization None. None. N/A N/A
51 7444 Advanced Artificial Intelligence IS None. N/A N/A
52 7481 Information Retrieval Systems IM None. N/A N/A
53 7540 Distributed Systems SF, OS None. N/A N/A
54 7600 High Performance Computing I IM, SF, PD, IAS, PBD, AL, DS, OS, SDF None. N/A N/A
55 7601 Design Issues in High-Speed Networks: Multicast, Pricing and Control None. None. N/A N/A
56 7602 Wireless Networks NC None. N/A N/A
57 7700 Special Topics in Computer Science None. None. N/A N/A
58 7701 Sensor Networking Concepts IM, NC None. N/A N/A
59 7800 Computer Science Research Seminar None. None. N/A N/A